Loughborough Echo

Book art tips for WI group


NANPANTAN WI met on a somewhat bleak January evening for our first meeting of 2019.

It was lovely to see each other again after Christmas and good in some ways to get back to normal.

We were pleased to have a talented lady to demonstrat­e and instruct us on Book Art. We were all asked to take along an old diary which we made into angels or hedgehogs just by making simple folds to the pages.

It was very relaxing and therapeuti­c and lovely to achieve something from the diary that would be otherwise thrown away.

February’s meeting was also very interestin­g with a speaker from Intercare. This is a local charity based in Syston which sends medical aid to rural health units in some of the poorest parts of Africa. This aid consists of medicines and healthcare goods which have been donated.These health units help serve over 10 million people.

John, our speaker, told us so much about the great need for assistance in the areas covered by Intercare and of how sparsely equipped the centres are. It made us realise how lucky we all are in our part of the world.

We have a lovely programme of events for 2019 and as always new members are very welcome.

We meet at Ronald West Court Lounge, Langdale Avenue, LE11 3RE at 7.15pm for7.30pm.

Our next meeting is March 14, when we have a speaker from “The Woodlands Trust and National Forest.” Do pop along!

We look forward to seeing you.

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