Loughborough Echo



TO mark Chinese New Year, we spoke to Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan (healthspan.co.uk), to highlight some time-proven Chinese herbal tonics.


“CINNAMON is a Chinese herbal remedy derived from the bark of several related trees, especially Cinnamomum cassia which is native to China,” explains Dr Brewer. “It’s used in Chinese medicine to support immunity, promote sweating, improve circulatio­n and to treat digestive symptoms, infections and pains.”

Studies found it can help lower blood sugar, and it is often used to improve glucose control in diabetes and to lower blood pressure, thanks to its mild diuretic effect.


“GINGER is a spice obtained from the rhizome and stems of a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. It contains a variety of chemicals such as gingerol, zingerone and essential oils that have a warming action with analgesic, anti-inflammato­ry and anti-nausea properties.”


“GINSENG is one of the oldest known herbal medicines and is believed to have been used for at least 3,000 years,” says Dr Brewer. Experts say it’s a good option for anyone who struggles to stay focused at work during the mid-afternoon slump. “Ginseng roots contain substances known as ‘ginsenosid­es’, some of which are stimulatin­g and some of which are relaxing,” says Dr Brewer.


“THE active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammato­ry antioxidan­t,” explains Dr Brewer. “In traditiona­l Chinese herbal medicine, turmeric is used to alleviate conditions such as painful periods or abdominal and chest pain. It’s also sometimes used to reduce inflammati­on such as muscle and joint pains, boost immunity and stimulate liver function.”

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