Loughborough Echo




QMY EIGHT-YEAR-OLD son doesn’t seem to be his usual enthusiast­ic self, is unable to focus and unwilling to socialise. What can I do to help?

ASUE ROGERS, mental health and emotional wellbeing expert at Action for Children

(actionforc­hildren.org.uk), leads the early help schools programme for teenage depression.

With Children’s Mental Health Week running from February 4-10, she says: “If you find there’s been a significan­t change to your son’s moods and behaviour, acknowledg­e you’ve noticed a change. The sooner he understand­s you’re aware his mood and behaviour are different, the sooner you can support him.

“Think about the best way to approach an initial conversati­on to explore what’s going on. You might want to consider a more relaxed and less confrontat­ional setting, such as on a walk together or trip out in the car.

“Start with some reassuranc­es that you’re here to support him, whatever the issue.

“Make time to talk and listen. Children don’t always want to talk, so it’s important to respect this. If he feels anxious, let him know you’re there if he needs you.

“Try to get into the habit of having chats about how things are going in general. The more you talk and listen, the sooner your son will know that he can come to you with problems.

“Look for patterns – think about what elements of your son’s life have changed at school. Does he complain about classes? Is he coping with pressure or issues with his peer group? Is he spending a lot of time on social media?

“Communicat­e creatively, by asking your son to write down or draw how he’s feeling, focusing on key words to explain his lead emotions, such as ‘worried’, ‘unhappy’, ‘sad’ and ‘anxious’. This might help him explore how and why he’s feeling a certain way.

“Don’t be afraid to seek help. It’s helpful to know whether others are seeing a change in your son, too.

“Turn to close family members, friends and his teachers to get a clearer picture of what’s happening in his life and how this is impacting his mental health.”

For further advice go to Action for Children’s Build Sound Minds website (buildsound­minds.org.uk).

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