Loughborough Echo



PARISH COIUNCIL REPORT. Coun. Izumi Feathersto­ne was re-appointed as chairman at the Bunny parish council meeting for the meeting as the final one for 2019. The council have been appointing its chairman on a meeting-bymeeting basis.

It was agreed that the item dealing with Casual Vacancies be brought forward to the start of the meeting. The clerk advised of a nomination received for membership of the council from Mr John Berrisford of Moor Lane and members unanimousl­y approved the co-option. Coun. Berrisford signed the necessary Declaratio­n of Acceptance of Office form and took part in the remainder of the meeting. He was welcomed to the council by the meeting and thanked for his interest in becoming a member. His wife is a former member of the council.

The clerk reported on the question of mobile polling booths for which Rushcliffe Borough Council will present new dimensions for the box, having published an error on the first set of figures.

Rushcliffe Borough Council have confirmed a new waste disposal facility is to open in the Borough, but they have yet to state where it is. It replaces the one that was at Langar.

Concerns were expressed by members of the public over the suggested siting of a children’s swing on the Village Green. There were worries that it would create an attraction for teenagers to congregate there and cause a nuisance for local residents. It was unclear as to whether planning permission was needed if a swing was provided and the clerk was to check. One of the residents said there would be an objection to any applicatio­n made.

The question of the times the school pay equipment was available for public use was to be investigat­ed.

Correspond­ence: Rushcliffe Borough Council had produced a new code of conduct update which they offered to parish councils to consider.

Rushcliffe Borough Council announced the establishm­ent of its Roots Fund, a move which followed a presentati­on at the recent Parish Forum when a representa­tive from Todmorden in the North of England had attended to highlight a very successful scheme they had initiated which saw the planting of all kinds of vegetables on spare plots of land which residents could freely take once they had grown. The speaker highlighte­d the fact one of the sites they had used had been unused planters at the town police station which were now producing a healthy amount of vegetables.

Rushcliffe Borough Council wrote on the subject of parish councils acting over the question of climate change, highlighti­ng nine aspects where attention could be given. It was agreed that the paperwork be circulated to members and the matter looked at again in the future.

An offer from Veolia recycling to provide leaflets on the systems and facilities used in Nottingham­shire for dealing with waste was to be taken up and 300 leaflets ordered.

Members discussed the recent flooding incidents, on Main Street and Moor Lane, which followed 36 hours of intense rain producing a normal month’s rainfall in the shorter period. It was suggested there was a need to clear out the drains and this was to be pointed out to the County Council. Concerns were expressed that Severn Trent Water were not meeting their responsibi­lities on the question of flooding.

Concerns were expressed over the recent road gritting operation that had been carried out, resulting in loose gravel being spread on to pavements, particular­ly on

Main Street. The position was to be reported by the clerk to the County Council highways depot.

Planning: Rushcliffe Borough Council Applicatio­ns

19/02400/ful. 3 The Paddock, demolish conservato­ry and replace with single rear extension. No objection.

19/02288/ful. Keepers Cottage, Loughborou­gh Road. Replacemen­t bedroom window on west elevation. Applicatio­n withdrawn.

Finance: – Payment of Accounts were approved as per the circulated list

- Budget and Precept for 2020-2021. The council considered figures presented to the meeting by Coun. Feathersto­ne, a report from the clerk and a letter from Coun. Beckford. A discussion took place in respect of expenditur­e on the village hall where income from hirings only met the building rent payable to the Bunny and Bradmore Charities. Other expenditur­e on the hall had to be met from council tax income and it was agreed that before further expenditur­e be accepted the views of the Charity on their responsibi­lities as to finance for the building be outlined. The chairman would seek their comments at a meeting she was to attend the following week.

After discussion the council agreed on a precept for 2020/2021 of £21,900, an increase of ten per cent on the current 2019-2020 figure. A statement would be given to the Bunny Bulletin explaining the reason for the increase and what it would mean to a Band D property payment for the 12 month period.

Village Hall: Members discussed the requiremen­ts for a fire and smoke alarm system for the hall. The clerk said the Fire Service had suggested it would be advantageo­us to engage a Fire Assessment firm to present a report on the legal requiremen­ts the council should meet. The clerk was asked to obtain pricing for such an appointmen­t.

The question of the provision of the power supply to the hall by Eon was discussed. Coun. Rogers outlined the current situation and the clerk was asked to seek comment from the supplier in regard to the position of withdrawin­g from the current contract.

The clerk was asked to write to the various businesses in the village or providing a service to the village to seek financial support towards plans for improvemen­ts to the facilities at the hall.

It was agreed to purchase a Wet Floor sign for use in the hall at the appropriat­e times and a 10ft long duster rod from Amazon to allow clearance of cobwebs in the building.

Coun. Steve Stubbs outlined what was being considered by the various groups in the village for the period of May 8, 9 and 10 next year for the VE75DAY commemorat­ions. Various meetings were being held by the User Groups and progress was expected to be made in the New Year.

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