Loughborough Echo




TOWARDS the end of writer-director William Nicholson’s portrait of a marriage in crisis, an embittered wife muses aloud, “That’s the thing about unhappines­s. After a while it stops being interestin­g”.

Hope Gap is evidently aware of its flaws. Adapted from Nicholson’s 1999 play The Retreat From Moscow, this dialogue-heavy three-hander struggles to escape the gathering dust of its stage origins despite the efforts of cinematogr­apher Anna Valdez Hanks to swoop endlessly over the chalk cliffs of the south coast, where iridescent rock pools are exposed by a retreating tide.

The sun initially shines on secondary school history teacher Edward (Bill Nighy) and wife Grace (Annette Bening) as they casually orbit one other in the East Sussex coastal town of Seaford.

He indulges a fascinatio­n with Napoleon’s 1812 invasion of Moscow flanked by toy soldiers on his desk while she pores over verses for her poetry anthology about the human condition.

Their common bond is a son, Jamie (Josh O’Connor), who lives in London and rarely visits.

One week shy of their 29th wedding anniversar­y, Edward secretly telephones Jamie to come home for the weekend. It is part of a cowardly plan to tell Grace that he intends to leave her for another woman (Sally Rogers), then rely on Jamie to pick up some of the slivers of the shattered marriage.

On Sunday morning, while his wife is at mass, Edward confesses everything to his tearful son.

“How long will it take? I don’t want to be here when you do it,” asks Jamie.

“Give me half an hour,” wearily responds his old man.

Hope Gap fails to bridge a divide between us and the anguished characters.

Nicholson crafts meaty dialogue including a zinging speech for Bening, which likens the breakdown of a marriage to bloodless murder.

While his carefully crafted words land with precision, the raw emotions behind them are little more than glancing blows.

Love hurts much more than this.

 ??  ?? Annette Bening as Grace and Josh O’Connor as Jamie
Annette Bening as Grace and Josh O’Connor as Jamie
 ??  ?? Bill Nighy as Edward
Bill Nighy as Edward

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