Loughborough Echo



AFTER working in isolation for many months, it can be tempting to catch up with your work pals over a coffee in the kitchen, but it’s important to socially distance where possible and respect other people’s worries and anxieties.

“It might be hard to socially distance in the workplace, so be mindful of your old work routines,” says Phil.

“Your co-workers are not your household,” he stresses.

“Don’t shake hands or hug, and be respectful of distance in meetings and communal areas.

“It’s also a good idea to take the stairs rather than piling into a shared lift together.

“There will be lots of people you’ll want to catch up with, but don’t gather around the water cooler or cluster around a desk to share your gossip, as it could make others feel uncomforta­ble.”


screen, phone, keyboard and mouse regularly.

“If you need to sneeze, make sure to do it into the crook of your arm or into a tissue – and place any used tissues straight into a closed waste bin.

“I’d also recommend that you don’t touch your face, and wash your hands regularly, especially when you first enter the building.

“If you can, open the windows in your office, that can help to let fresh air circulate too.”


exposure to coronaviru­s while travelling. To ensure a safe commute, it’s essential that workers wear a face mask and socially distance from others while on board.”

“Transport chiefs should be doing their bit to minimise risk by scheduling regular deep cleans and decontamin­ation of trains,” Tautvydas adds.

There will be lots of people you’ll want to catch up with, but don’t gather around the water cooler or cluster around a desk to share your gossip, as it could make others feel uncomforta­ble.

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