Loughborough Echo

Neighbours hear man’s cries for help night before he is found dead in his bedroom


- By SUZY GIBSON News Reporter

NEIGHBOURS heard a man calling out for help on the night before he was found dead in his bedroom, a murder trial heard.

Benjamin Bracegirdl­e is accused of fatally injuring his friend, Michael McNee, with whom he was staying during the Covid-19 lockdown.

He denies murdering 40-year-old Mr McNee, whose body was found in the bedroom of his Chestnut Close flat, off Leicester Road, Mountsorre­l, on Friday, May 22.

Bracegirdl­e, 41, formerly of the Falcon Centre, Pinfold Gate, Loughborou­gh, claims that Mr McNee may have injured himself in a drunken fall - causing him to suffer lethal internal bleeding.

The prosecutio­n say he deliberate­ly struck the alleged victim with an implement or may have kicked or stamped on him.

Neighbours were used to hearing loud clashes between the pair and had previously called the police.

But on this occasion they ignored Mr McNee’s pleas for help, it was claimed at Leicester Crown Court.


James House QC, prosecutin­g, said, in his opening speech, Mr McNee had multiple medical issues due to a car accident when he suffered leg and hip injuries, aged 18.

In hospital he received opiatebase­d painkiller­s. He later became addicted to heroin and alcohol.

His health deteriorat­ed, necessitat­ing blood thinning injections and assistance from home carers.

Last Christmas he suffered multiple organ failure and was not expected to survive, but he recovered and returned home.

His alcohol consumptio­n then reduced, he was on a Methadone prescripti­on, and showing a “small improvemen­t”.

Mr House said people who knew Mr McNee were not surprised to hear of his death, given his poor health over the preceding years.

Home Office pathologis­t, Dr Stuart Hamilton, carried out a post- mortem examinatio­n and concluded Mr McNee did not die due to organ failure, alcoholism or drug misuse - but from internal bleeding.

Mr House said: “Mr McNee was beaten with an implement that had a pattern to it, on the left side towards his back.

“It was consistent with a blow from a patterned object.

“His death was not a consequenc­e of his myriad of health issues.

“There were a number of other bruises suggestive of other blows being inflicted.”

The prosecutor said the defendant and the deceased knew each other for “many years”.

He said: “Their friendship was grounded in a lifestyle of alcohol and drugs and the defendant was a frequent visitor to Michael’s flat and had helped him in the past.”

But he added: “He wasn’t an official carer.”

Neighbours were “unhappy” with their noisy conduct and anti-social behaviour resulting in the police being called on occasions.

After the lockdown was imposed, the defendant moved in to stay at “vulnerable” Mr McNee’s flat and the situation deteriorat­ed - but Mr McNee told concerned neighbours he wanted Bracegirdl­e to remain in the flat and could not cope without him.


Mr House said: “In the days before his death, tension between the two men was rising.

“Neighbours heard numerous arguments and threats by the defendant towards Michael.

“They told the police that such was the shouting and aggression they heard over the previous weeks and months it became the norm.”

Nearby residents allegedly told the police of “repeated verbal arguments” turning to aggression by the defendant, who would allegedly lose his patience and become physically violent.

The prosecutor told the jury that their “combined alcoholic lifestyles” led to frequent disputes - which escalated during the lockdown.

On the night before Mr McNee’s death, a woman resident heard the sound of “whipping noises” with Michael allegedly saying: “Stop, stop please, it hurts, it hurts.”

Another heard from her balcony “get off, leave me alone you bully” and “help, help!”

A man living in the flat above the alleged victim’s claimed he heard Mr McNee saying “leave me alone” and calling for help about three or four times.

Mr House said: “There was banging and crashing of pots and pans.

“It all ‘kicked off’ and he (the witness) heard them moving from the living room to the bedroom - he heard Michael screaming ‘help me, help me, please.’

“At 12.30am it all went quiet. “Michael McNee’s body was found in that bedroom.

“He’d sustained a blunt impact to his back with such force to cause internal bleeding.

“Because of the medication he was on he would have been more prone to bleeding, but it was that assault that caused the injury resulting in his death.

“We’re unable to say what was used, be it a weapon or a shod foot. The fact both were affected by drink at the time is no excuse for his actions.”

Mr House added: “The defendant knew better than anyone that Michael McNee was extremely vulnerable.”

Paramedics arrived at 10.37am and notified the police. The defendant, who left the flat, was arrested later that day.

The trial continues.

There were a number of other bruises suggestive of other blows being inflicted Prosecutor James House

(The witness) heard Michael screaming ‘help me, help me, please.’ At 12.30am it all went quiet Prosecutio­n

 ?? LEICESTER MEDIA ONLINE ?? SCENE: Police in Chestnut Close, Mountsorre­l
LEICESTER MEDIA ONLINE SCENE: Police in Chestnut Close, Mountsorre­l

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