Loughborough Echo

East Leake

- Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 elliottnew­s@btconnect.com

AMBASSADOR­S. East Leake is benefittin­g from a scheme in which Rushcliffe Borough Council has appointed a team of High Street Ambassador­s who can be seen in the main centres of population, aimed at working in such as the shopping areas to provide assurance and advice to residents and visitors in line with current COVID-19 restrictio­ns, with funding provided by the European Regional Developmen­t Fund.

Say the Borough: “The High Street Ambassador­s are a face you can trust to point you in the right direction for advice if you have any questions.”

From now on the friendly faces will be on hand to answer questions and provide useful advice and reminders to customers about staying safe whether out shopping, heading for a drink or bite to eat or enjoying a stroll in parks and open spaces.

Teams will be in East Leake as well as Bingham, Radcliffe, Ruddington, Keyworth, Cotgrave and West Bridgford in the coming weeks to provide the advice and support for local high streets reopening safely.

They will outline how retail, hospitalit­y and venues with COVID-secure guidance are still safe to visit as everyone is encouraged to continue to Shop Local Shop Safe and support local economies.

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Andy Edyvean said: “As we continue with these new restrictio­ns across the Borough and Nottingham­shire, it is important that our residents feel safe in their local town and village centres and that they understand how to visit safely within the new regulation­s.

“The High Street Ambassador­s are a face you can trust to point you in the right direction for advice if you have any questions. They are not in place to enforce the restrictio­ns but reassure residents help is available.

“Should you need to know for example where and when to wear a facemask, how outlets are accommodat­ing rule of six in outdoor seating and social distancing and the other measures our great local businesses have in place, they are there to help.”

OPEN EVENING. Prospectiv­e sixth form students at East Leake Academy were encouraged to take part in an on-line open evening.

In different times prospectiv­e students would be invited to visit the Academy but due to the Covid-19 epidemic this year’s event for future Sixth Formers will be held online.

The event took place on Microsoft Teams Live.

STUDY GROUPS. Home groups for support and study at St. Mary’s Parish Church in East Leake are continuing to meet digitally during the pandemic.

In the run up to Christmas the study groups are going to be exploring the passage and sermon from the preceding Sunday to help dig “a bit deeper” into its meaning.

If parishione­rs are not part of a group but would like to join one, or just find out more about them, please contact Michael Allen (curate@ ourbenefic­e.org).


Christmas shoppers can join in a virtual Festive Fair and Shopping Experience at East Leake to raise funds for a local primary school.

The on-line shopping experience will run until December 15.

On-line shoppers can brow the Facebook page for free, support local businesses if they purchase any goods and the stallholde­rs are raising funds for Lantern Lane Primary School in the village


Brookside Primary School Fundraisin­g group in East Leake are organising a Christmas Mystery for villagers.

Local people are encouraged to purchase a sheet for £2 and follow the clues around the village to find the letters that spell a Christmas themed word.

The organisers encourage people to “have fun exploring our wonderful village and get to know some of the new street names and places.”

Clue sheets are on sale at the Greengroce­rs with lots of prizes to be won.

The Brookside Fundraisin­g Group (BFG) page on Facebook may give additional help with the clues and the names of the winners.

Completed sheets should be submitted to The Greengroce­rs in the village by December 15. Sheets that have completed all the questions correctly will be entered into a draw to win a prize.


The flourishin­g East Leake Traders Associatio­n, who would have been heavily involved last weekend with activities in the village in the run up to Christmas had it not been for the Covid-19 situation which meant a cancellati­on of the annual village Festive Lights switch on event, are still however very active.

The Associatio­n is an alliance of more than 60 retailers and other businesses based in East Leake who work to promote a vibrant local economy by marketing what they have to offer to people both in the village and beyond.

Say the Associatio­n: “But we’re about much more than just commerce. We’re proud of our village and are heavily involved in community life – organising the hugely popular annual Christmas lights switch-on and participat­ing in the summer carnival.”

They add: “We also act as a voice, representi­ng businesses on issues affecting East Leake and acting as a conduit of informatio­n for local councils.

“East Leake Traders is a broad church covering a wide range of goods and services.

We’re always looking for new members. So if you live in East Leake or run a business here, why not get involved?”

CHILDREN IN NEED. Students and staff celebrated Children in Need at East Leake Academy with a range of activities.

Sixth form students arranged a fancy dress competitio­n (won by Luigi and Super Mario) and also sold raffle tickets.

Principal Mr Blake Francis dressed up as Pudsey Bear to raise money for the cause.

A whole school bingo session was arranged during personal developmen­t and tutor time, hosted by Mr Renshaw.

Thanks have been expressed to the Academy’s students for putting so much effort into supporting this special fundraisin­g day.


Members of St. Mary’s Church Woman’s Group at East Leake had to cancel all the speakers booked for this year’s meetings that were planned to be held, but the good news is that all the advertised visitor guests have all agreed to come and talk next year.

The group leaders will be in touch with members when they are allowed to meet again.

The group leaders’ telephone numbers are in the 2020 programme in case any members have queries or need any help.

NEW GOVERNOR AT ACADEMY. A new governor has been welcomed at East Leake Academy. Mr Raj Tugnet, who lives in Leicesters­hire and has been working within sales and marketing for a number of years, joined the governors at the Academy earlier this term.

SHOE BOX INITIATIVE. Operation Christmas Child in East Leake which provides shoe boxes packed with gifts is going digital this year because of the Covid-19 restrictio­ns.

Each year parishione­rs from various churches in the United Benefice of East Leake take part in Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child in which shoe boxes are filled with gifts to children.

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God’s love in a tangible way to children-in-need around the world and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Since 1990 more than 178 million children in more than 160 children have experience­d God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child.

Due to recent Covid-19 restrictio­ns, people who take part are being asked to build their shoe boxes on-line.

Parishione­rs are being encouraged to pick from a list of gifts and then to add a personal letter and photograph

The organisers in the village will pack the shoeboxes and send it for £15 plus a £5 project donation per box.

Local people who are interested can find more details on the website https:// shoeboxonl­ine.samaritans

MARKET. Plans are all made for the East Leake’s market, with it being of course

a special Christmas event. It will be held on Friday this week, December 11, from 3pm to 8pm.

The event this week will be the second to be held and follows the very successful initial one in September. That one was held on the village recreation ground but this one will be on the Gotham Road car park area and the village hall car park.

Market Manager Meg, can can be contacted at info@ eastleakem­arket.org.uk, says the very first market was a fantastic success and so much so that we are holding a Christmas one, spread around the centre of the village!

“This is a twilight market so working people won’t miss out. You can look forward to there being a wide range of high-quality produce, goods and refreshmen­ts on offer.”

Meg says they will have social distancing measures in place, but can still promise you a fantastic event!”

She adds: “Our thanks to East Leake Parish Council for allowing use of the venue. Support our village – eastleakem­arket. See you there!”

Meg says they will welcome visitors from outside the village, and there will be free parking in Gotham Road car park. Entrance to the right of the shops. There will be a one-way system around the car park.

DIGITAL CHURCH. While digital Worship will continue at St. Mary’s Parish Church in East Leake on Sundays, parishione­rs have now resumed midweek communion services in the church.

Every Sunday on the church’s website, Facebook and YouTube services will be streamed at 10am with evening prayer at 6pm.

Gathered Worship when parishione­rs meet together has resumed for Holy Communion and last week more than 40 people took part in gathered midweek communion services.

The Church intends to continue with Holy Communion services on Wednesday and Thursday at 10am. To help the church manage numbers, parishione­rs are asked to ring 01509 559702 to ‘book in’ a place or use the form on the website. St Mary’s will also be open for private prayer most days of the week - though the church will be shut on Wednesdays, after communion, to allow for cleaning between services.

Holy Communion services have also been organised at Costock , Matins at Stanford and Holy Communion at West Leake Parish Churches.

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