Loughborough Echo

Sutton Bonington

- Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 elliottnew­s@btconnect.com

SUGGESTION­S WANTED. Villagers in Sutton Bonington are being invited to submit suggestion­s about facilities to be included on the site of a proposed housing developmen­t of 80 properties in the locality.

The proposed developmen­t is at the south end of the village on Park Lane. Recently a ground survey has taken place which the agents for the landowners - Paget Estate - say will help with initial developmen­t ideas The land was designated for housing in the now adopted Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2 in October 2019 with the potential for 80 houses with 30% designated as affordable homes Sutton Bonington Parish Council has recently been in dialogue with the agents representi­ng the landowner Paget Estate, requesting an input into the design and formation of plans for the site “to ensure a sensitive well planned site that integrates well with the village is developed.”

The Parish Council have already received some ideas for the site and it would welcome input and ideas from the village on what local people would like to see included in the developmen­t.

The decision to develop has already been made by as part of the Local Plan but parish councillor­s are keen for local people to suggest facilities that could be included as part of the developmen­t..

Various suggestion­s for inclusion on the site have been aired, such as a sustainabl­e, well thought out and spacious developmen­t with affordable homes as required by the planning designatio­n, landscapin­g strips surroundin­g the site on all sides, business units and start up units,something for the community, possibly for teenagers such as a skate part and playgroup, more bungalows for the elderly and rental properties.

On the new entrance to the site, the Parish Council would like to see some form of junction that would also slow vehicle speeds along Park Lane.

Please email any comments through to the parish council clerk, Helen Chadwick.

CHURCH. Christmas Carols for all the Family will be on-line at Sutton Bonington Baptist Church on Sunday this coming weekend, December 13 at 4pm.

There will be a short on-line service led by the Church’s family worker, Helen Ison, for pre-school and primary age children with creative re-telling of the Christmas story and some simple popular carols to sing along to at home.

The link will be available on I Love Sutton Bonington FaceBook page and on the Baptist Church’s website - www.sbbaptist.org.uk

BURIALS. Residents of Sutton Bonington village are reminded that they have every right to be buried or to have their ashes interred in either of the Sutton Bonington churchyard­s, at St Anne’s or St Michael’s Extension on Marle Pit Hill. There are however, fees set by the Church of England and permission has to be sought for any memorials. Enquiries can be made to any of the churchward­ens.

YOUTH CLUB. Rock Solid is Back! Is the exciting message for Sutton Bonington. This is a fun-filled Covid-safe youth club for youngsters in school years seven to nine at the village Baptist Church.

The club meets every Tuesday night between 7.45pm and 9pm.

Meet new friends, take part in discussion­s, play games and have lots of laughs. is the message from the club. Youngsters interested are asked to please contact Brian Beach on 07747 697006.

DITCH CLEARING. Notts County Council are progressin­g with action says

Sutton Bonington representa­tive Coun. Andy Brown on the necessity of landowners to clear ditches and dykes on the edge of their property. Notices are being served on those responsibl­e to ensure the necessary work is carried out.

FREE FRUIT. Fruit is now given to all of the children in Key Stage One and Reception classes at Sutton Bonington Primary School.

Headteache­r Mr. Lee Shilton says that as the children are given fruit, no other snack should be brought in from home.

Mr. Shilton has told parents in a newsletter: “If your child would like to bring in an alternativ­e piece of fruit, this is fine but no other snack is encouraged.”

In Key Stage 2 classes at the school, the only snack that is permissibl­e is fruit.

PLANS. Planning permission has been given by Rushcliffe Borough Council for an extension of the shop use of the property at 119 Main Street, to include rooms at first and second floor level as well. The ground floor is currently used as a gallery / shop and the upper floors as residentia­l use. The parish council had no objection to the plans.

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