Loughborough Echo

Amazing Steps family ‘has risen to the challenge’ of 2020


THE Steps Centre in Shepshed is in its 26th year and it will take more than a pandemic to stand in the way of continuing to provide a free service for children with conditions that affect movement such as Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy.

Although the centre has been closed since March 23rd, the practition­ers immediatel­y sprang into action and developed a digital service that families can participat­e in every day.

Lead practition­er, Indila Simandi, explained: “This year has put many obstacles in our way but the amazing Steps families have risen to the challenge by adapting to different ways of working in a digital world.

“Our new online service means that we can be much more inclusive, for example we can now embrace siblings, parents, grandparen­ts and friends in the sessions that we provide. It has also enabled us to extend our catchment area from just the East Midlands to the whole of the UK and beyond!”

Each child who attends Steps has been sent a ‘Magic Box’ containing some of the equipment that is used during the sessions so that they can join in with the online sessions more effectivel­y.

The box and its contents cost £50 and a total of 40 of these were posted out to the families.

The costs were covered by donations from both the Ashby and Shepshed Rotary Clubs and have proved to be a major hit both with the children who use them and the parents who join in with the sessions.

Many parents have expressed their thoughts about this new facility.

One said: “Steps has been an absolute lifeline during lockdown, checking in on us every week, providing regular sessions, sending us special equipment, including some super-cool boots to strengthen his little ankles!”

Janet Russell, a manager at the centre, said: “We are so grateful for all donations, whatever the amount. One organizati­on that has supported Steps for several years is Unite Students in Loughborou­gh.

“During the year, groups of students staged various fund-raising events and have been dropping coins into collection boxes! The total amount raised was an amazing £1250 and our thanks go to Natalie and Debbie for coordinati­ng this.

“If anyone would like to raise some funds for us, please leave a message on 01509 506878 or visit our website at www.stepscentr­e.org. uk to find ways in which you can help.

“On behalf of the staff, trustees, families and children, our thanks go to all of our supporters.

“We wish you a happy Christmas and a healthy 2021.”

 ??  ?? Shepshed Town Council’s Best Dressed Window Awards for 2020
Shepshed Town Council’s Best Dressed Window Awards for 2020
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