Loughborough Echo

Claire Petulengro


ARIES March 21 - April 20 Are you going to allow others not to give you an answer, or are you going to put your dignity to the fore, cut your losses and move on? I think the latter is far more on an Aries move, but you are still being influenced by those who think they have something on you and your past. The need to stock up on something, or miss out profession­ally, requires urgent action. Ring now to go deeper. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 727 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

TAURUS APRIL 21 - MAY 21 You think you have to rush, but you are wrong. Just because others are under a time limit, does not mean you have to be. Secrets you share with family this weekend lighten your load. You begin to understand who has been playing both sides. A financial investment must be handled profession­ally, or you could end up short of pride and funds. Ring now for a peak at your destiny. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 728 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

GEMINI MAY 22 - JUNE 21 How long are you going to wait for others to make up their mind? You have been missing out by holding on. Surely you see now that what attracted them to you was your forward-thinking mind. They are living in the past. Make sure you don’t get stuck there with them too. Ideas for your career come via younger faces you cross paths with midweek. Call now for your full horoscope. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 729 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 22 Know your worth, then add tax. You have been short selling yourself ever since someone offered a cheaper version and knocked your confidence. Fun times link to you saying yes to those who were important to you, but who you’ve ignored out of fear of rejection. You need to spend more time with those who have already stated they miss you. Ring now to hear what breakthrou­ghs come if you do. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 730 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

LEO JULY 23 - AUGUST 23 Legal dealings are well starred. You begin to see that if you are honest with yourself, then you will be happy with what happens next. A difficult atmosphere in the home is slow to change. Try to ignore those you know enjoy these difficult atmosphere­s. If you play to them, they will only continue down this immature path. Ring to hear how you have the gift of foresight now. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 731 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

VIRGO AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 22 Truths you tell loved ones can help you get over the blip, which made for such a difficult time recently. Some sort of a pay cut, or delay to finances, could prove a source of embarrassm­ent, if you don’t explain to those who will be affected. Communicat­ion is everything at the moment. Try not to ask others to pass on messages, or you’ll lose credence. Ring now to make you a priority. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 732 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

LIBRA SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 23 There is a really dreamy feel to your chart, which could see you accusing close ones of things they would never dream of doing. Could it be that you want them to let you down, so you can move on? Maybe so. Try to remember to check in with those you made loose promises to. They may have taken a loose suggestion as a definite plan. Ring now to hear who I think is making you scatty. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 733 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

SCORPIO OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 21 Your energy levels are up and down and you are left with the feeling that you have not done things as well as you could have. Focus on what you do in the here and now, as all of the recent dramatics have got the attention of those you both want (and don’t want). Celebratio­n plans change location. Ring now to hear how the Sun can help heal a rift you were about to give up on. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 734 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

SAGITTARIU­S NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 20 You start to see who was responsibl­e for the trouble that is brewing. It is not who you thought it was, but you are still not surprised. For many, double standards are at play and this week is about you letting those, who are trying to save themselves, know that you see with both eyes wide open. You may have to lose money to make it on Friday. Ring now to keep your wits about you. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 735 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

CAPRICORN DECEMBER 21 - JANUARY 20 Set your goals high from here on in and don’t stop till you get there. You know from last year’s events who is not capable of moving with you into the new world you are creating. That’s why I know it is time to stop treading water, and instead, to work on exploring the new paths which have opened up to you. Don’t be frightened. It’s called living! Call now to find out more about your stars. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 736 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

AQUARIUS JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19 Don’t waste good breath on those who are never going to hear what you want to say. You learnt last week that they hear what they want to. Someone you thought was not on your side, proves they are by putting their money where their mouth is. It’s still not impressing you, but their finances may come with their involvemen­t. Ring now to hear who your true allies are. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 737 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

PISCES FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 20 Try not to fall out with those you have only just made up with. If you do, then it seems it is you who wanted to part ways from them all along. Be bold, be brave and be the one who decides what happens each day in your life. It is how you will grow and become the person I know you want to be. Foreign names bring good luck financiall­y. Follow them. Call now so we can work together. FOR MONTHLY 09050 700 738 75p PER MINUTE READINGS CALL + ACCESS CHARGE

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