Loughborough Echo

East Leake

- Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 elliottnew­s@btconnect.com

WI GROUP RETURNS TO IN PERSON MEETINGS. East Leake WI returned in style to the Village Hall for a very enjoyable and much anticipate­d monthly meeting – their first since March 2020!

The committee have been very busy during lockdown with zoom meetings including the Annual Meeting which saw Gretel Wilson being elected as the new President. Catherine Cleaver, who served for many years in the role doing an excellent job, has left the village to move closer to family and they are delighted to report she promptly joined her new local WI! Both Catherine and outgoing treasurer Hazel Staley were each presented with a WI Commemorat­ive rose bush in recognitio­n of their service and the appreciati­on of our members.

With a vibrant new committee in place and twelve new members joining the ranks a lively evening ensued which included a fun quiz and extended social time where members enjoyed the chance to socialise and catch up with the latest news. They were delighted to see that an interestin­g programme of speakers has been put together as well as some initial events and activities. A questionna­ire was circulated so that members could put forward their ideas for future happenings and shape the future of their WI.

Just four days later members enjoyed their Annual Garden Party with tea, cake and a raffle in the beautiful garden of one of their members which raised money for funds and the Stroke Unit at Nottingham City Hospital.

Later this month members will be taking a stroll round Whatton Gardens and enjoying dinner at the Rancliffe Arms at Bunny in early September.

The next meeting is on Tuesday September 14 at 7.30pm in the village hall on Main Street with a talk by Julie Ede about Coco Chanel.

New to the village or been here a while? - why not come along as a visitor and enjoy a pleasant evening, join in and find out more about the WI, a warm welcome to a range of events and activities with fun and friendship is assured. East

Leake WI has been active in the village for over 90 years. Meetings generally take place on the second Tuesday of every month in the village hall at 7.30pm. They have a varied programme of speakers and organise daytime and evening activities between meetings, including craft groups, walks, lunches, table tennis and outings

GCSE RESULTS. Year 11 students at East Leake Academy – part of the Diverse Academies Trust – were excited to collect their GCSE results.

In what has been another difficult year for GCSE students, there were smiles, relief and a few tears of joy as they opened their envelopes to reveal their results. The students can now celebrate a solid set of results which reflect the hard work and resilience they have shown over the past two years during key stage 4 studies, and the progress they have made since joining the academy in year 7.

Many will now remain at East Leake Academy to join the sixth form, with others opting to enter the workplace or to take on apprentice­ships.

Among those with impressive results at East Leake Academy was Alex Arnold with grade 9s in all subjects. He will start post 16 studies at the East Leake Academy’s sixth form next month.

Another student who was delighted with her results was Abigail Barnett. She received six grade 9s, with high grades in all of her other subjects. She is excited to join East Leake Academy’s sixth form in September. Abigail said she was “delighted” with her results.

Maddie Charman also received outstandin­g individual results, with strong passes and higher grades in all of her subjects. She is delighted with her results and for making outstandin­g progress during her time at East Leake Academy.

It was a fantastic day for Nathan Pearce who achieved high grades of 6+ in all subjects and will be joining East Leake Academy’s sixth form in September. He said: “I’m really looking forward to starting my A Levels at the Academy.”

Principal, Blake Francis, said: “We would like to say a huge congratula­tions to all our students. They have shown an incredible amount of resilience, determinat­ion to succeed and a maturity beyond their years to complete their studies despite significan­t disruption to their education. Students worked incredibly hard and they should celebrate the grades they have achieved because they are very well deserved. We couldn’t be more proud of our students and we wish them well for their future studies.”

The academy invites any students yet to secure a place with a post 16 provider for this September or students considerin­g their post-GCSE options to visit www. eastleake-ac.org.uk or email sixthform@eastleake-ac.org. uk for more informatio­n.

COFFEE MORNING RELAUNCH. As Covid restrictio­ns are eased, St. Mary’s Parish Church in East Leake is looking forward to -re-starting Friday Coffee Mornings in church.

Church leaders in East Leake say that after the last 18 months “this ministry is more important than ever, both as a way to build community, combat loneliness an act as a point of contact and connection.”

A start date and final plans will be decided once the necessary guidance has been issued but the church is currently looking for at least six people to help with the coffee mornings.

Three people have already signed up and no one will need to be at the coffee morning every week.

If potential volunteers are willing to help or wish to find out more about the coffee mornings they are asked to contact Judith James on 01509 853128.

PLANS. Rushcliffe Borough Council have approved a planning applicatio­n with conditions for a single storey rear extension, at 109 Main Street East Leake .

PAVILION PROJECT. Efforts to develop new pavilion facilities for the East Leake sports ground on the Costock side of the parish are continuing progressiv­ely.

Drawings and specificat­ions have been completed and the parish council have been liaising with the Football Foundation to obtain their funding for new football changing rooms and other facilities. Covid-19 affected

the amount they have available and other funders were approached.

Because of the changed position brought about by Covid-19 a revised approach to the project has been put into operation, with two separate phases being formulated, , a new pavilion building and refurbishm­ent of the brick block.

If all goes to plan, Section 106 funding will be spread across the 2 phases, and the remaining balance, primarily to cover the cost of furniture and equipment, will be the local fundraisin­g target.

Plans for the new Car Park, on the north side of Costock Road, are also progressin­g – this is to be funded by East Leake Parish Council reserves and should relieve traffic congestion at weekends.


PARK. Volunteers from the Friends group at East Leake Meadow Park continue to give their time and attention to keeping the area looking as best it can and recently 16 of them worked in small groups on a range of projects.

They fitted Ground Grab Tiles under a further two seats to repeat the work from earlier in the year that had proved to be a success. They also harvested willow from the trees in the corner of Gibson’s Field (for Forest School), and walked the paths to cut back overhangin­g brambles and branches.

In Mid-June a group walked around The Park to compile a list of jobs for the autumn and beyond. A group effort was called for so that everyone has a better idea of what is being done where and by whom and so that we follow the approved management plan as best as possible in the circumstan­ces.

In July the Park’s stock of limestone path gravel was diminishin­g so a request was made to the Parish Council to obtain a further supply. After a lot of good work by the council contact was made with David Wilson Homes who are at present building on Rempstone Road. This resulted in a very generous supply of 20 tons of Breedon limestone path gravel which was delivered to Bateman Road entrance to the park and subsequent­ly on two work sessions the majority was moved to the store. A big thank you goes to our Parish Council and David Wilson Homes.

The July work party was well Attended with 17 volunteers present. They cut back the growth over the paths adjacent to the Arboretum copse and Bateman Road. A large pothole had developed at the entrance to Gibson’s Field near the Bateman Road but this has been filled in with the hope it will not return.


Members of the Mother’s Union at East Leake St. Mary’s Parish Church joined in several virtual events commemorat­ing 100 years since the death of Mary Sumner, the founder of the world-wide mothers’ organisati­on, who died on August 9, 1921

There was a service of Compline - prayers at the End of the Day, the final church service (or office) of the day in the Christian tradition and a virtual tour of the church and grounds of Old Alresford Place, where Mary Sumner held the first Mothers’ Union meeting.

Throughout August there is a series of videos from all over the world, marking 145 years of the Mothers’ Union, which can be seen on YouTube and social media.

In 1876 Mary Sumner, a clergyman’s wife living in nearby Old Alresford, became concerned about how local mothers related their Christian faith to family life. Wanting to encourage them she founded a small group called the Mothers’ Union. She lived to see it become a worldwide organisati­on, now with millions of members. She is buried outside Winchester Cathedral

The next branch meeting om East Leake will be on Monday, September 13 at 2.15 pm in St Mary’s when the Rev. Wendy Murphy, the Mothers’ Union Chaplain for the Nottingham Archdeacon­ry, will talk about “Rebuilding Hope and Confidence.”.

On Saturday, September 18 members will meet to pray for the church’s link dioceses within the world-wide Wave of Prayer.

Two socially-distanced garden parties were enjoyed by members and guests in July, when £257.50 was raised for the Summer of Hope appeal, reaching out to help more women, families and communitie­s through Mothers’ Union work worldwide.

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East Leake.

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