Loughborough Echo

Rule of law may soon be thrown overboard


IMMEDIATEL­Y following the referendum enabling the UK to leave the EU I expressed concern at the haste with which the ERG (European Research Group) moved to expunge the European Court of Justice.

Justice Secretary Raab is currently looking at removing judicial independen­ce in the UK by allowing ministers to change those verdicts they do not like – those they deem to be incorrect.

To put this into perspectiv­e; the prime minister of Poland did a “Trump” with the country’s supreme court so as to find [sic] that EU law was incompatib­le with Poland’s constituti­on.

His party is ultra-conservati­ve, ie, to the right of Marie le Penn, the most right-wing politician in France against whom Macron is, to get votes, waging the fishing war with the UK.

This is the path Johnson is seeking to follow.

The rule of law is trumpeted to be a core value of being British and British citizenshi­p. It may be about to be thrown overboard without the ECJ to resist while Northern Ireland, always the ERG’s prime target, may be the first point in the attack. Michael Wallis

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