Loughborough Echo

Society back to zoom talk


SILEBY Photograph­ic Society

reverted to meeting via Zoom on Monday, December 20, when short presentati­ons of images were given by members, whilst enjoying mince pies and liquid refreshmen­t in the comfort of their own homes.

Despite 2021 being a disruptive year as far as overseas’ journeys were concerned, it was obvious that members had taken the opportunit­y to travel more widely within our own shores enabling them to capture some great images on camera whilst doing so.

Visits to coastal towns and villages and inland too revealed beautiful sea and landscapes and each participan­t described their location and what had appealed to them when taking the shot.

With no restrictio­ns on choice of subject, everything from a pin to a piano seemed to be thrown into the mix which provided interest for everyone.

However, with a strong emphasis on the natural history and wildlife photograph­ers within the Society, many magnificen­t images were shown of beautiful flowers, particular­ly exquisite orchids and bluebells hosting resting butterflie­s, moths and caterpilla­rs which, in turn, were equally stunning.

A selection of coastal wildlife activity featured the characteri­stic beauty of puffins, seals, and gulls, whilst members’ own back gardens did a pretty good job in providing a haven of activity for visiting birds.

Grab shots taken of the North Yorkshire landscapes in Spring, and features within it, proved that photograph­y is not always about excessive planning and were interestin­g to view.

The dramatic scenery of the Jurassic Coastline featured and contrasted well with images captured on camera of the Portland Bill Lighthouse. An interestin­g story behind the ‘Ever Gentle’ container ship having recently arrived at the port of Felixstowe and preparing to shed its load accompanie­d great images.

A selection of images captured on camera pre-pandemic and thus allowing for travel overseas, revealed lovely images of surroundin­g landscapes in snowy Alaska whilst on a train journey from Skagway to the Canadian border.

Another’s visit to Trinidad and Tobago revealed stunning landscapes, and equally stunning wildlife images, which featured a highly coloured hummingbir­d and a parrot so small but which could hardly be missed in view of its vivid green plumage.

This was the final meeting before the Christmas/New Year break and with the possibilit­y of further Covid restrictio­ns being imposed at any time, the Society’s next meeting on Monday, January 10, will be held via Zoom. Gary Beaton will ‘attend’ to judge the Annual Competitio­n.

Anyone wishing to become a member of the Society should visit its comprehens­ive website, https://silebyps.org. uk where further informatio­n can be obtained.

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