Loughborough Echo

Agatha is in the spotlight


SUE W, president of Thorpe

Acre WI, welcomed all members, with a special welcome for visitors Gaby and Martine. Thanks were given to Francesca, in her absence, for a successful visit to The Noodle Bar for eight members to celebrate Chinese New Year. Flowers for the president’s table were provided by Rose E.

Correspond­ence from WI House was read out with details of forthcomin­g courses, including proposed social pétanque evenings during the summer. Members were reminded that subscripti­ons are due in April.

Carole G has booked a darts evening at ‘Spot On’ at 7pm on March 21. Bar food and sandwiches will be available.

She was also exploring the possibilit­y of a boat trip with the Baldwin Trust and has provisiona­lly booked two dates - Monday, June 19 and Tuesday, June 20, but can change either of these to a Saturday for those who work during the week. Members can take a packed lunch.

Sue W has changed her Strawberry Tea dates to either Tuesday, July 18 or Wednesday, July 19. As space is limited numbers will be capped at 18. However, if enough members are interested, Sue is happy to host both dates.

Among the dates and venues already circulated by Francesca for ‘Culture Club’ events, a ‘ Taste of Culture’ meal to celebrate Commonweal­th Day is to be arranged for March 13.

Five members had enjoyed a coffee morning at John Storer House, and eight met at Sue Y’s home. The next date for the coffee morning is February 22 at Wonderland, Church Gate Mews (previously a chocolate shop), and also at Sue Y’s. Eight ‘ Woolly Women’ met at Linda L’s home on January 27, including visitor Mary B, who is hoping to join WI soon. Their next meeting is on February 24.

The speaker for the evening was Mark Temple who spoke about ‘ The Life and Crimes of Agatha Christie’, picking out events in her life and interestin­g items of trivia.

The competitio­n for a book mark was won by Sue W. Jacqui S was second and Sue Y was third. Raffle prizes were won by Carole N-B and Julie E, and refreshmen­ts were served by Elaine B and Jean A.

The next meeting will be at Thorpe Acre Church Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday, March 14 when Nick Sydenham will speak about ‘Canine Partners’. All welcome!

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