Love Embroidery

Stitch Guide


Stem Stitch

Stem Stitch forms a solid, raised line with a textured appearance. It can be used to follow any shape and is good for working curved lines. Bring the needle up just above the design line at 1, down at "),4 1%" )&+" +! ( 2- 1 ,3" 1%" )&+" ,+1&+2" &+ 1%&0 way, always working back on yourself.


,/( 1/ &$%1 1&1 %"0 /,00 1%" /" 1, " ))"! 1%"+ 4,/( second layer of Straight Stitches on top of these to create a grid. Make sure the stitches are parallel and evenly spaced. Next, work small stitches over where these Straight Stitches intersect, which can be either a single stitch or a cross stitch.

Weave Stitch

Bring the needle up at 1 and down at 2 to work a vertical stitch.

"-" 1 1, )) 1%" /" ,*" 2- $ &+ 1 +! 4,/( %,/&7,+1 )

stitch, weaving the thread over and under the vertical stitches

2+1&) 1%" "+! ,# 1%" )&+" ,+1&+2" ))&+$ 4&1% %,/&7,+1 ) 01&1 %"0

alternatin­g between starting with an over or an under stitch.

Straight Stitch

Straight Stitch is very versatile as it can be worked to any length and in any direction. It is particular­ly useful in pictorial work for adding details and it can also be used to outline other areas of stitching, providing that the edges are straight. Bring the needle up at 1, then down at 2 to create the required stitch length.

Turkey Stitch

Leave 5cm of thread on top of the fabric. Take the needle in at 1, ,21 1 &+ 1 +! ,21 1 20% 1%" +""!)" ( &+ 1 +! ,21 1 ,+ 1 -2)) 1%" 1%/" ! )) 1%" 4 6 1%/,2$% )" 3" ),,- ,+ 1%" #/,+1 ,+1&+2" &+ 1%&0 4 6 ),+$ 1%" )&+" )" 3&+$ ),,- ,# 1%/" ! each time. When done, cut the loops to your desired fringe length.

Whipped Backstitch

First work a line of Backstitch. Next, thread a blunt pointed tapestry needle and bring it up from beneath the centre of the /01 (01&1 % /&+$ 1%" +""!)" ,21 2+!"/ 1%" 01&1 % +! 1%/" ! &1 2+!"/ 1%" +"51 01&1 % #/,* ,11,* 1, 1,- ,+1&+2" 4%&--&+$ 1%" Backstitch­es this way without piercing the fabric or thread.

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