Macclesfield Express

FOLLOWING the ballot in the Macclesfie­ld Community


Governance Review, residents voted in favour of the formation of their own town council. But the turnout for the ballot was just 16.2 per cent.

And after publishing the story online at macclesfie­ld-express., one reader said on Facebook.

Jane Ford said: “I can’t believe that so many people couldn’t be bothered to vote. A town council will mean some decisions will be made locally by local people not by Cheshire East. Every other town /village in cheshire east has a town council who don’t make all the decisions obviously but will have a say on decisions that affect macclesfie­ld as a town. At the moment all the decisions about our town are made without any representa­tion from our town.” TIME To Care (UK) CIC, a community interest company, get planning approval to transform the former Everett Charles Technologi­es premises on Goodall Street into a climbing centre. ●● Reader Bex Williams said: “Sounds absolutely fantastic!” ●● Yvonne Dandy said: “That’s great news! well done to C.I.C. Much needed leisure pursuit within the area.” A FAMILY has described their horror after their cat mauled to death by two dogs. ●● SAMANTHA Isabelle Harrington said on Facebook: “All dogs should be muzzled and on leads. I don’t care how nice you think yours are or how well behaved you think they are.

“They’re animals and need to be controlled. That poor cat died a horrific and avoidable death and I hope that those responsibl­e are fined and severely monitored with regards to their own animal welfare.”

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