Macclesfield Express

Weekly jobs


●● Take cuttings from dahlia tubers which were prompted into action last month. ●● Transplant autumnsown onions to their final positions, spacing them alternatel­y at 30cm (12in). ●● Plant lily of the valley crowns. ●● In the greenhouse, take cuttings of chrysanthe­mums, pelargoniu­ms, fuchsias and other pot plants. ●● Thin early grapes growing in heated greenhouse­s. ●● Divide establishe­d clumps of chives. ●● Plant out pot grown bulbs that have finished flowering, such as daffodils, in the garden, removing both the bulbs and the fibre in which they were grown, in clumps between shrubs or herbaceous plants. They should flower again in two years’ time. ●● Continue to sow hardy annuals in pots and trays under glass. ●● Watch out for slugs and snails and remove any you see. ●● Continue to protect tender climbers in case of overnight spring frosts. ●● Prune back any recently planted blackcurra­nt bushes by removing weak shoots and shortening the remainder to the first or second bud over the ground.

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