Macclesfield Express

Drug dealer told to ‘grow up’ by judge


A DRUG dealer’s ‘feckless’ lifestyle was slammed by a judge.

Kalim Chaudhry, 21, was caught red-handed with 15 snap bags of cannabis, a court heard.

Police later found ‘street deals’ of cocaine and scales for weighing drugs out at his home, prosecutor­s said.

At Chester Crown Court on April 29, Chaudhry, of Crompton Road, Macclesfie­ld, admitted possession of cocaine and possession with intent to supply cannabis.

Sentencing him to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, judge Roger Dutton warned Chaudhry he could have sent him to jail. He said: “I would be perfectly within my rights to send you to prison and if that’s the only way you will learn to behave yourself then so be it.

“You have shown naïvety and immaturity. You are not a kid any more. You have to grow up.

“You put a lot in jeopardy by dealing cannabis, however big you think selling it makes you doing that in your community, in the end all drug dealers get caught and sent to prison.

“You have got a lot of hard work to do to gain your self respect and that of your family. Grow up, learn to be responsibl­e and never come back to this court again.”

Maria Masselis, prosecutin­g, said: On August 27, last year, at 2pm Pc Jones was directed to Chapel Lane in Wilmslow. He approached the defendant and there was a strong smell of cannabis. The defendant appeared to be shaking and very nervous. A search found 15 bags of cannabis with a street value of £300, weighing 20.5g. Two mobile phones were also found on him.

“Police searched his property, where they found a number of mobile phones and a set of digital scales. There was also a quantity of cocaine split into four street deals weighing 1.35g and worth between £120 and £200.

“The defendant gave no comment when interviewe­d except to say he had never seen the scales before. Forensics found the defendant’s fingerprin­t on the scales.”

Steve Jones, defending, said: “He is someone who needs to do some growing up. At the time he was young, single and feckless. He was out of work, smoking cannabis and assisted a friend by selling it.

“He is now working, in a long term relationsh­ip and has a one-year-old son.”

Chaudhry was also ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work and a rehabilita­tion activity.

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