Macclesfield Express

Mum on a mission for children with diabetes


AMUM is on a mission to help children with type one diabetes.

Ann Lowe, 50, runs Kids Insulin Dependant Social (KIDS) based at Gawsworth village hall.

Type one diabetes is an irreversib­le autoimmune disease which stops the body producing insulin.

Ann’s life was turned upside down two years ago when her daughter Kirsty, 13, became seriously ill. With no history of diabetes, both the family and doctors missed the first signs she had the con- dition. It was only when she was rushed to Macclesfie­ld Hospital struggling to breathe that an eagle-eyed paediatric­ian spotted the cause.

Ann said: “It was only after we left hospital that we realised how life threatenin­g her situation had been. It was scary and shocking and there was nothing we could do about it.

“Before our experience, diabetes was something that happened to other people. It was about fat older people who had not looked after themselves. It was not my gorgeous daughter who I had gone to great lengths to teach healthy eating habits. It was the start of a steep learning curve.”

Ann took some convincing to attend the KIDS group run by charity East Cheshire Paediatric Diabetes UK.

She said: “Neither of us knew what it would be like, but to suddenly realise there are all these other families out there sharing their same experience was a great help.

“Most important was that the other children were all so welcoming to Kirsty, which really helped her cope with things.”

Last November Ann was asked to take over as chairman and is now on a mission to reach out to other families as well as educating the wider community.

Ann, from Wilmslow, said: “I want people to realise they are not alone, they haven’t done anything wrong and that this is a disease which can affect anyone.

“Ours is not a group where you have to talk about the condition, but you can if you want to. It’s a place where you can simply not feel isolated.”

Type one diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce insulin – the hormone that regulates blood glucose levels.

Typical symptoms include: feeling very thirsty, passing urine more often than usual, particular­ly at night, feeling very tired, weight loss and loss of muscle bulk.

For informatio­n email eastcheshi­repaediatr­icdiabetes­ukgroup@hotmail. com or find them on Facebook.

‘It was scary and shocking’

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 ??  ?? ●● Ann Lowe and her daughter Kirsty
●● Ann Lowe and her daughter Kirsty

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