Macclesfield Express

Villagers to vote on future of loos


PRESTBURY residents have until this Friday to vote on the future of the village’s public toilets.

Voting slips were delivered to houses earlier this month and give people the option of voting to either reopen the toilets, demolish them and keep the area as an open space or use the site as a car park.

Opinion is divided on the issue, with chairman of Prestbury Business Forum Carol Hamilton claiming a car park would be the best option for the village while others say the toilets should be reopened.

Carol Hamilton said: “It is a really big issue to many of the residents in the parish; for a small majority an emotional one and for the businesses an economic one.”

He also claimed that signs the business forum put up encouragin­g residents to vote for the car park had been removed.

Resident Judy McCoskery suggested a compromise could be reached, with the toilets being reopened and some of the space used for car parking.

She said: “Common sense could be applied and a possible compromise of keeping the toilets open and allowing some car parking would be the answer.

“To help with the cost of opening the toilets a charge for use could be adopted.”

She also claimed that some residents had not received voting slips which may affect the overall decision.

She said: “Some residents have not even received the original newsletter.

“As there is a deadline for voting this is a problem.

“Perhaps more time should be given to this sensitive issue.”

But Arthur Dicken, chairman of Prestbury Parish Council, said while there was a problem with the delivery of some voting slips, it has been rectified with a second delivery.

He said: “We have sent out about 2,400 slips and aimed to cover all houses.

“Unfortunat­ely some of the very early deliveries were sent out without the voting slip but these were covered by a second delivery.

“We have also let it be known that slips will be provided on request.

“The risk of double counting will be prevented by our validation process.”

Around 50 people attended a Prestbury Parish Council meeting held on the subject and the future of the site is set to be decided on next month.

Coun Dicken added: The council explained the process at the meeting and clarified that while this expression of public opinion can only be advisory, the council will be guided by the result.”

Express readers also took to Facebook to express their views on the issue, with the majority of readers supporting the return of the toilets, which closed in February.

Linda Burrowes said: “Closing the toilets was another nail in the coffin of a once nice village.

“We want our toilets back. NOT a car park!”

Clare Bradley and Laurie Shenton said they would both prefer parking.

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