Macclesfield Express

Thief stole £12k from employer


ATHIEF siphoned off almost £12,000 while working as a cashier at a petrol station.

Terence Joseph Oakes, 48, tampered with a fuel card payment system to pocket the cash while working at Monks Heath services at Nether Alderley, a court heard.

The offending occurred over a four month period and amounted to £11,851.

The court heard that Oakes, who has 31 previous conviction­s for dishonesty including burglary, has since paid back the owners Spring Petroleum Ltd after borrowing the cash.

At Chester Crown Court, Oakes, of Poplar Road, Macclesfie­ld, admitted theft and was sentenced to 12 months in prison suspended for two years.

He must also complete 200 hours unpaid work.

Sentencing Mr Recorder Patrick Thompson said: “You have behaved dishonestl­y throughout your life and have an appalling record.

“You got a job and started to sort out your life but when the opportunit­y to steal came up you took it.

“The fortunate thing was that you were caught, otherwise that figure could have grown by tens of thousands of pounds. You are nearly 50.

“You have to sort yourself out. You made reparation­s by borrowing a considerab­le sum.

“I don’t see any great chance of him being paid back, but you must do the right thing.”

The court heard that Oakes took a job as a cashier in late 2013.

Mike Stephenson, prosecutin­g, said: “Around December he began stealing from his employer.

“The service station has a back up system for faulty fuel cards where it can be manually overridden. Oakes gave the impression that the fuel card was being used.

“This lasted until April when bosses noticed a series of abnormal entries.

“When they contacted Monks Heath to ask for back up records, Oakes went into a panic.

“He is also accused of destroying the CCTV system which covers the till area.

“The hard drive was damaged beyond repair, but his manager was able to access old images which showed the fraud taking place.

“The loss was around £11,850.”

James Edwards, defending, said Oakes denies damaging the CCTV.

He added: “After he was last released from prison he was doing well. But his mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness and he started gambling as a form of release.”

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