Macclesfield Express

Thug beat partner after miscarriag­e


ACRUEL thug who branded his fiancée a ‘murderer’ after she suffered a miscarriag­e has walked free from court.

Luke Adams, 28, subjected his partner to a series of assaults after she lost their baby.

The victim finally had enough of his ‘controllin­g behaviour’ and went to police.

During the most brutal assault, Adams cruelly branded his victim ‘a murderer’, relating to a miscarriag­e she had suffered.

Adams, formerly of Macclesfie­ld, now of Booth Street, Congleton, admitted three charges of assault by beating At Stockport magistrate­s’ court.

He was given 150 hours of unpaid work, a restrainin­g order and ordered to pay £200 compensati­on.

The court heard that the former partners had been in a relationsh­ip for three years at the time of the assaults, which happened in Macclesfie­ld during September and October.

Kate Gaskell, prosecutin­g, said: “Adams was arrested for a domestic incident in 2014 and had counsellin­g to address his actions.

“Then in December 2015 he was violent but she didn’t pursue a complaint.”

The court heard that the first assault was triggered when Adams ‘didn’t like’ the victim using an e-cigarette in the kitchen.

Ms Gaskell said: “He grabbed her by the head and threw her against a kitchen cupboard.

“He accused her murdering her baby.

“This was relating to a miscarriag­e she had.

“She went upstairs and he followed her into a children’s bedroom. He pushed her on the bed. He of pushed a pillow over her face and gripped her around the throat.”

The court heard that bruising from the attack was spotted by her brother at their mother’s funeral.

The second assault, two weeks later, followed a night drinking with friends.

Ms Gaskell said: “He was drunk. He became verbally abusive. She went to sleep in the car. As she passed, he kicked her and dragged her to the floor. Again he strangled her with both hands.”

The final act of violence happened on October 27.

Ms Gaskell said: “He demanded she get him a drink. She had enough of his controllin­g behaviour. She refused and he became angry. He pinned her down on the sofa and begged her not to leave.”

In a statement the victim said Adams had caused ‘physical and emotional pain’.

 ??  ?? Luke Adams
Luke Adams

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