Macclesfield Express

Thanks for donations


EAST Cheshire Hospice has thanked supporters for their generosity over the festive season which resulted in donations of more than £52,000.

A new Christmas Wish List Appeal generated £27,000, while the Light Up A Life Appeal raised £17,000. Another £8,000 was received from general donations for items such as cards and gifts.

The Wish List Appeal highlighte­d the need for continued care over the festive season for patients, some of whom were perhaps facing their last Christmas. Donations meant hospice staff could provide a special Christmas Day dining experience for patients and their families. A donation of £140 covered the cost of lunch for a patient and nine family members.

A donation of £345 paid for 24 hours of care for a patient nearing the end of their life, while £50 paid for a therapeuti­c treatment to relieve painful symptoms.

Light Up A Life involved dedicating a light to a loved one in memory of those no longer with us. As well as a symbol of remembranc­e, it also supports much-needed hospice care.

In 2016 the hospice cared for 255 inpatients, while 195 patients had their symptoms eased by therapy at the Sunflower Wellbeing Centre. Karyn Johnston, income generation director at East Cheshire Hospice, said: “We’d like to thank everyone for their generous donations. Our services are available around the clock every single day of the year and every pound donated makes a huge difference to patients and their families.

“Unlike other health charities who have their nurses paid for by the NHS, East Cheshire hospice must raise the money we need.”

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