Macclesfield Express

Dealer offered drugs to undercover police


ABUNGLING drug dealer was caught red-handed trying to sell to undercover police.

Thomas David Cole, 31, cycled up to PC Gary Barnes and Sergeant Rob Simpson, who were in plain clothes and talking to a group of males at the underpass at the end of Gas Road, under the Silk Road.

After offering them ‘weed and pills’ Cole spotted their police ear pieces and tried to flee.

PC Barnes and Sgt Simpson grabbed Cole and found a sandwich bag containing 15 wraps of cannabis.

Cole, of Parkgate Road, Macclesfie­ld, denied possession with intent to supply a controlled Class B drug but failed to turn up for the trial at Stockport magistrate­s’ court on Friday (May 5).

He was found guilty in his absence.

James Gore, prosecut- ing, said PC Barnes and Sergeant Simpson were in plain clothes on patrol on Gas Road on February 8 tasked with investigat­ing issues of crime and antisocial behaviour.

PC Barnes told magistrate­s: “We approached three males on the underpass because we believed they had been involved in using drugs. Out of the blue the defendant cycled up between us and offered all five of us drugs.

“We looked up at the male and he looked at us and said “you two are police officers” and swore.

“He then tried to quickly cycle away from us. I grabbed him by the arm and held him. My colleague helped take him to the ground and he was arrested.”

PC Barnes told the court that he searched Cole’s pockets and found a clear bag containing 15 wraps of cannabis. They also found a cannabis grinder, jewellery including four brooches and a silver tag, and a mobile phone.

PC Barnes said he didn’t know the value of the drugs found.

He said: “It indicated that the cannabis was going to be dealt to us and was ready for distributi­on. I believe Cole was there to deal drugs.”

James Gore, prosecutin­g, told the court that in his police interview Cole told officers that he was cycling on his BMX and had half an ounce of ‘Lemon Haze cannabis’ on him.

Mr Gore said: “Cole said he was on his way to his sister and came across the police officers. He said he saw their ear wire radios.”

Magistrate­s said the evidence showed Cole ‘showed clear intention to deal drugs’.

The bench ordered a warrant for his arrest without bail.

Cole was arrested and appeared at Stockport Magistrate­s Court where he was committed to Chester Crown court for sentencing on June 2.

He was found guilty after a trial of assaulting a man on Mill Street, Macclesfie­ld, on March 27.

He will also be sentenced for two charges of failing to surrender to bail, possession of Tramadol and for breaching his postcustod­y supervisio­n with probation.

Defending Stockport Cole at Magistrate­s, Shirley Fitton, told the court he is unwell due to drug addiction.

She said: “With regards to the possession with intent to supply, he came out of prison with debts and sold drugs as a way to repay the money he owed to his drug dealers and keep himself away from their retributio­n.

“He’s not coping well here in court today. As well as cocaine and heroin he relies heavily on alcohol to get through his addictions. He started with cannabis, then went to prison where he was exposed to more serious drugs.

“That’s why he’s got himself tied up in this complicate­d mess.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Dancers from Dance Addicts in Macclesfie­ld, which is raising money for MAC Multi-Activity Centre
Dancers from Dance Addicts in Macclesfie­ld, which is raising money for MAC Multi-Activity Centre

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