Macclesfield Express

Sixth form project hailed a success


A SIXTH form project to organise a business event has be hailed a huge success. Year 12 business students at All Hallows Catholic College were tasked with organising a business event as part of their course.

They came up with an idea to arrange an interschoo­l competitio­n designed to promote Fairtrade.

Eight primary schools entered teams into the Time 2 Change Competitio­n, held at the Romero Business Centre at All Hallows Catholic College.

Each team was given a foreign country to base their ‘business’. They were tasked with designing a headquarte­rs for a company that produces Fairtrade products, design a company logo, buy resources and materials using the appropriat­e foreign language and redesign the country’s flag incorporat­ing a Fairtrade theme.

They then presented their ideas to the group.

Jane Lynch, who teaches business studies at the school, said: “With each team working on a different country, pupils came up with some fantastic designs.

“Four judges had a difficult job choosing a winner as the standard was so high across all the schools that took part.

“Congratula­tions to those students for putting on a successful event that was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.”

The overall winners were the group from St Gregory’s Primary School, with students from St Alban’s runners up.

The Best Team Folder Award went to students from St Benedict’s.

The awards were presented by judges Tom Agar, Jacob Sibley, James Wilson and Chris Bennett.

As an added bonus, the competitio­n, which started in September 2016, raised around £1,000 for more than 10 different charities.

 ??  ?? Sixth formers from All Hallows organised an inter-school competitio­n for primary school students across the town
Sixth formers from All Hallows organised an inter-school competitio­n for primary school students across the town

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