Macclesfield Express

Hit and run driver caught out by off duty policeman


AHIT and run driver was caught after he unwittingl­y confessed the offence to an off-duty policeman.

Sergeant Rob Simpson was resting on a picnic bench at Tegg’s Nose Country Park when he heard a ‘loud crunch’, a court heard.

He then saw motorist Paul Spracklen, 60, drive off, prosecutor­s said.

Sgt Simpson, who works for Cheshire Police, ran after the fleeing driver and knocked on his window.

But when Spracklen was told about the damage he had caused to the Jaguar he told the officer the driver deserved to be hit for parking too close, magistrate­s were told.

Sgt Simpson managed to photograph Spracklen’s car as he left, the court heard.

Spracklen, of Greenway Road, Runcorn, was traced and hauled before magistrate­s where he admitted failing to stop after a road accident and failing to report it to police. It cost him £311 in fines and court costs and five penalty points.

The incident happened on Saturday, April 15 around 12.20pm.

Robin Lynch, prosecutin­g, said: “The defendant was manoeuvrin­g a Nissan Note out of a parking space. At the same time an off-duty Sgt Dave Simpson was sitting at a picnic table when he heard a collision.

“He said it was a loud crunch and everyone around heard.

“Sgt Simpson said. ‘I saw male and a female look at each other and formed the opinion that they had realised they had hit something. I expect him to get out and inspect the detail but was surprised when the vehicle drove off.

“‘I jogged to the exit and stopped the Nissan and knocked on the window. The driver rolled down his window and I said ‘you just hit that car’. He replied ‘if he parks that close he deserves to be hit. Before I had the chance to ID myself he drove off quickly. I managed to get out phone and photograph the number plate.’

“Sgt Simpson then left a note for the owner, Peter Kibani, who had been walking in the area.”

Spracklen, defending himself, said Kibani had parked his Jaguar too close to him.

He said: “I was very careful.

“I was going so slowly it was a cushioned connection. I considered there to be minimum damage, although I didn’t get out to look.”

He denied saying what Sgt Simpson had reported him as saying but said that he couldn’t remember what he did say.

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