Macclesfield Express

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MACCLESFIE­LD duo Andy Hughes and Dave Smith, both from Macclesfie­ld, write World Cup Anthem and want to hear it chanted in the stands (website, July 11 and page 9)

DONNA Johnson Its rubbish. After one minute I switched it off. We’re coming home. BLEEDING Hands Hughes You missed the rap then?

LAURA Hughes Absolutely hate not even going to listen... thanks for the heads up though.

MARGARITA Benavides Love it.

BLEEDING Hands Hughes Thanks Mags

DARREN Parkinson Catchy and sticks in your head. All the signs of good World cup song!

BLEEDING Hands Hughes Amazing talent we have on our door step in Macclesfie­ld.

Thanks Macc Express for sharing this!

MILITARY funeral for veteran ‘Tony’. Gustav Antoine, from Macclesfie­ld, was accompanie­d by six standards, a piper and honour guard (website July 10).

Sue Perkin Gibbons Lovely man he was bless him.

Dee Daniels He deserved the best!

HUNDREDS sign birthday card for NHS. Macclesfie­ld’s Labour councillor­s presented the card to staff at Macclesfie­ld Hospital.

Did you sign the card? (website, July 11 and page 10)

WENDY Moss I did. I’ve now worked for the NHS for 40 years and managed Newborn Hearing Screening in Macclesfie­ld for 15 years next week.

Where has the time gone?!

 ??  ?? The area between WHSmiths and Age Concern
The area between WHSmiths and Age Concern

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