Macclesfield Express

Woman with knife to tend horses is cleared of possessing weapon


AWOMAN found with a ten-inch kitchen knife when her car was seized by police for having no insurance has been cleared of possessing a weapon after she said she used it to tend to her horses.

A magistrate­s trial heard Amanda Jane Greenall, of Dawson Road, Bollington, was seen by police officers on the car park at Tegg’s Nose Country Park in Macclesfie­ld with the bonnet of her Jeep Cherokee up at around 9.25pm on January 18 this year.

Checks were made by patrol officers and it was found that the vehicle was not insured.

Keith Jones, prosecutin­g, said: “The defendant was spoken to along with a male companion and collected her

belongings from the vehicle before leaving on foot on to Old Buxton Road.

“An officer then searched her handbag and inside - wrapped tightly in a JD Sports carrier bag - was a 10-inch kitchen knife.”

Stockport Magistrate­s’ Court heard that when the officer discovered the bag she said ‘ it’s nothing to do with me’.

The court heard that police said Greenall, 44, swore at them and refused to give her date of birth.

A decision was made to prosecute Greenall with possession of a knife in a public place.

Defending, Sam Fixter, told the court that Greenall had two horses which she kept at Moat Hall Farm, a couple of miles from her home.

The stables did not provide tools so she used the knife to cut sections of flooring for her two horses and to cut through twine on hay bales to feed them.

Giving evidence Greenall said the hay bales were six foot in height and bound by around 20 lines of twine and were ‘heavily shrink-wrapped in plastic’ to keep them fresh.

She said she had looked after horses all her life and that she didn’t want to leave the knife there as there was a very small chance it could have been picked up by a child visiting the horses.

The bench found her not guilty of possessing a weapon in a public place, stating that they believed she had a legitimate reason for having the knife.

The chairman of the bench said: “We find your evidence consistent, reliable and compelling.”

Greenall had earlier pleaded guilty to driving without insurance for her vehicle.

For that offence she was fined £120, ordered to pay £85 in costs and had her licence endorsed by six points.

 ??  ?? The case was heard at Stockport Magistrate­s Court
The case was heard at Stockport Magistrate­s Court

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