Macclesfield Express

Hannah finds an authentic way to right life balance


ASOLICITOR who found the stresses and strains of her job too much has become a life coach to help others in the industry find a better work-life balance.

Hannah Beko, 38, from Bollington, was working 12 hour days as a property lawyer leaving her little time for

her friends, husband and their three children.

And while attending a life coaching workshop in 2016 she had what she describes as an ‘epiphany’ - deciding she should become one herself.

Now she helps other legal profession­als reduce their stress, protect their mental health and increase their wellbeing.

This role has meant Hannah has much more time for the other things in her life so it has helped her on all these fronts too.

She said: “Fairly early on in my own legal business I was working ten to twelve hour days for months on end.

“This had a profound impact on my own mental wellbeing and meant I wasn’t able to focus on my family, the whole reason I had become self-employed.

“I had an overwhelmi­ng sense that I was constantly letting my friends and family down, I was trying to be everything to everyone – and I just didn’t have the time or headspace to balance it all.

“Or to stop and think about what I really wanted.”

Hannah set to starting her own workshops and training business and launched her first wellness workshop at the Tytheringt­on Club with event management website Eventbrite in November 2016.

This helped the business, called Authentica­lly Speaking, take off and she now travels the country teaching legal profession­als how to manage their stress via workshops, group and oneto-one sessions.

Hannah said: “I now split my time between legal work and coaching/training and have genuinely achieved far more of a sense of balance than I ever thought possible.

“I’m able to spend more time with my husband and children without the constant work pressures in the back of my mind and I also find that I’m performing better and enjoying my ‘day job’ even more.

“It really has changed my life and career beyond all recognitio­n and I would urge anyone struggling with the same challenges to really consider how they can redress the balance in their lives.”

 ??  ?? Hannah Beko, founder of Authentica­lly Speaking
Hannah Beko, founder of Authentica­lly Speaking
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