Macclesfield Express

Pieces of living history are crucial for wildlife


THIS is just a small tree in bloom...right? Wrong. This tree near Glossop is a stunning and fairly relict hawthorn hedgerow that has probably seen the industrial revolution come and go, monarchs galore and two World Wars, not to mention Trafalgar, Waterloo and the Crimean, he’s an old lad for sure and still hanging on looking beautiful.

Farming has changed somewhat since he was planted along with thousands of others to separate fields and keep livestock, mostly sheep and cattle, to where they should be.

The first Bronze Age farmers had to clear woodland to make fields.

On occasion, strips of woodland were left to mark the boundaries.

These are our oldest hedgerows,and they are often on today’s parish boundaries.

These are irreplacea­ble pieces of living history and are often the best hedgerows for wildlife.

The sward on the verge or bank may contain woodland plants such as bluebells and anemones and the hedge itself may be a rich mixture of woody shrubs such as hazel, dogwood, guelder rose and spindle.

Pollarded trees are frequently found in ancient hedgerows – they made great boundary markers in feudal times as they could not be moved.

Planting of new hedgerows started around Roman times and continued on and off through to the mid 18th century, when the Enclosures Act prompted a great spurt in hedge planting, mostly around the English Midlands.

Hedge removal is not a new phenomenon.

Many were lost during the Napoleonic Wars when a besieged Britain was threatened with starvation.

After the Second World War, government policy encouraged hedge removal to ensure that Britain was self-sufficient in food.

Financial incentives were available to remove hedgerows and machinery was developed that couldn’t manoeuvre in small fields.

It is now widely recognised that this policy encouraged farmers to go too far and there are grants to encourage planting and protection of hedgerows.

Since the Second World War, hedgerows have been removed at a much faster rate than they have been planted. In some parts of the country 50 per cent of hedgerows have gone, while others are so badly managed that their value to wildlife is much reduced.

Loss of hedgerows has been identified as a factor in the decline of many plant and animal species traditiona­lly associated with farmland.

Reasons for hedge loss include changes in farming practices, developmen­t, damage caused by straw and stubble burning (banned since 1992), spray drift, neglect and indiscrimi­nate trimming.

An Institute of Terrestria­l Ecology (ITE) survey of hedgerow changes revealed that between 1984 and 1990 hedgerow length in England had declined by 20 per cent and in Wales by 25 per cent.

While outright removal of hedgerows accounted for 9,500km per year, almost half of the loss was a result of lack of management.

Between 1990 and 1993, the removal of hedgerows lessened to about 3,600km per year and the rate of planting at 4,400km per year exceeded the rate of removal.

As a result of hedgerow incentive schemes, many farms had begun work to restore and manage hedgerows and other boundary features.

Unfortunat­ely, there was a net decrease in hedgerow length of 18,000km per annum in England and Wales during this period.

This was at least partly due to a lack of management, leading to hedges being reclassifi­ed as lines of trees or ‘gappy’ shrubs.

These relict hedgerows, although registered as lost in the survey, are still of value to birds and other wildlife.

These losses of managed hedges appear to have been halted in the mid-1990s. This is welcome news. Although the net length of hedges now appears stable or possibly increasing, it is important to remember that newly created or restored hedges may not have the same value in terms of wildlife, landscape and historical significan­ce as longestabl­ished hedgerows.

Some hedgerows are so important that no amount of planting could replace them.

The government has brought in legislatio­n to protect hedgerows of key importance, currently in England and Wales only.

As for my lovely hawthorn, and a few more in his ‘line’, the closest being 100 metres away where they thicken up a bit, he’s still looking good, as is the lonely stone gate-post and the ditch still visible. The stories they could tell.

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 ??  ?? This Hawthorn tree near Glossop has seen monarchs come and go
This Hawthorn tree near Glossop has seen monarchs come and go
 ??  ?? The Laughing Badger Gallery, 99 Platt Street, Padfield, Glossop
The Laughing Badger Gallery, 99 Platt Street, Padfield, Glossop
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