Macclesfield Express

Cut water waste and stop pouring cash down drains


IT MAKES up 60% of the human body, 73% of the human brain, and 71% of the world’s surface is covered with it – so it goes without saying that water is pretty important. A 2019 survey found the average Brit underestim­ates their water usage by 55%, while 38% admitted giving little or no thought to water economies.

In reality, the average UK household runs through 330 litres of water per day, not only straining one of our planet’s most precious resources, but sometimes adding hundreds of pounds onto their utility bills. If you’re on a water meter, you’ll know that water waste means pounds down the plughole, but not everyone realises that it often impacts gas bills too. It’s estimated that roughly 20% of a typical gas bill is from heating water for taps and showers – that’s around £135 a year, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

Here’s how to save water, money and help the environmen­t by reducing water waste at home...


ESTIMATES suggest a single dripping tap haemorrhag­es up to 5,300 litres of water a year, so stemming the flow can save serious cash over weeks or


The fault will usually lie with the washer, which experience­d DIY-ers can replace themselves. Start by turning off the water at an isolation valve or stopcock, and double check that your replacemen­t washer is the right fit for your tap (most will take standard size).

Remove the handle and cover before unscrewing the main nut, while holding the body of the tap firmly in place. Pull the old washer off the pin with a pair of pliers, and put the new one in place the same way, using petroleum jelly to slide it down it if gets stuck.

If this all sounds a bit technical, or you have a modern, washerless tap, do not attempt to do it yourself. When plumbing goes wrong, it goes really wrong, so unless you want to enjoy a long soak in rooms besides your bathroom, we recommend calling in the pros.


ONE of history’s greatest rivalries, alongside tea vs. coffee and cats vs. dogs, the bath-shower axis has long been governed by the principle that, although baths are more relaxing, showers are infinitely more efficient.

This is often true, but not always. Exact estimates vary, but showers that last 10 minutes or more are very likely to use more water than a bath overall, while power showers, which use more water, can cut the tipping point to five or six minutes.

Having a shower is not in itself a virtue, but having a short shower works wonders when it comes to curbing water usage. Consider showering while listening to music, and try to condense your shower into a single song. For next-level optimisati­on, switching the water off temporaril­y while lathering.


THERE’S a whole host of appliances that can help you save water too. Consider a reduced capacity bath, as regular 80-litre tubs need a hefty volume to get even half full.

Old-fashioned, cistern toilets use up to 13 litres a flush – that’s a lot, for those unfamiliar with toilet mechanics – while modern units are required by law to at least cut that number in half.

Consider installing ‘aerated’ taps and shower heads, which simulate higher water pressure by injecting the flow with air.

To help you identify watereffic­ient facilities, check for a European Water Label (yes, they’ll still be there post-Brexit), which categorise­s relevant products into one of five coloured-coded brands, or check for the Waterwise

Recommende­d Checkmark.

Reducing water waste in our homes can slash bills and help the planet – and the savings could be easier to make than you think, says LUKE RIX-STANDING


NOT every water-saving tactic has to involve spanners and pipework, there’s a whole reservoir of simple, small-scale lifestyle changes that can have a noteworthy effect on your annual usage.

Halt unnecessar­y boil-off (and energy costs) by only filling the kettle with what you need; wash vegetables in a bowl, rather than under the tap; wait until you have a full load before starting a cycle on your dishwasher and washing machine – you get the idea.

A running tap wastes more than six litres every minute, so make sure to turn it off while brushing your teeth. Instead of waiting for the water to run cold when you’re thirsty, put a bottle of tap water in the fridge, and garden with a watering can, not a hosepipe.

Conserving water is often about mindset, and if you’re on the lookout for opportunit­ies to save, you’ll find them.

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Try to have captions short with decks of even legs
 ??  ?? Keep showers brief
Keep showers brief

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