Macclesfield Express

Church to open its doors again for worship


ONE of Macclesfie­ld’s major places of worship will be back open to its congregati­on this weekend but with restrictio­ns in place.

St Michael’s Church, on the Market Place, will hold a service on Sunday, July 12, from 10am to 10.45am.

The capacity at the church will be around 50 as seats will be placed apart to allow social distancing.

There may be some queueing so people can enter safely and there will be hand washing or sanitising upon entry.

Members of the congregati­on will be asked not to sing loudly and although the bells will be rung there will be only three or four instead of the usual 12.

Since lockdown began, St Michael’s has been among churches to look for different ways to remain connected to its community.

Services have moved online and there have been Zoom calls and newsletter­s.

The online service will still continue for those unable to attend church and a screen will be rigged up to allow people to do readings from home.

The Rev Martin Stephens, from St Michael’s, said: “It is not going to be quite the same but we hope that we will have the best of both worlds as there will still be an online service.

”The service will be simplified and shorter but for many people the simple act of being in the building and seeing other people is important.

”I will be extra delighted to see people who have been unable to join in with (online) worship and I very much want those still online to feel included, even though they are not in the building.”

Until further notice St Michael’s will hold a service every Sunday from 10am to 10.45am.

 ??  ?? The Rev Martin Stephens, Rector of the Macclesfie­ld team
The Rev Martin Stephens, Rector of the Macclesfie­ld team

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