Macclesfield Express




LAST month in this column I highlighte­d the need for good financial evidence if Cheshire East Council is to be successful in lobbying Government for more money to meet the costs of Covid-19.

I was therefore delighted when during the Cross-Party meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Audit and Governance Committee during late May and June, a singular, unanimous recommenda­tion was made to the Cheshire East Administra­tion; to follow the national guidance from the Centre for Public Scrutiny and set up a sub-group of the Corporate Scrutiny and Audit Committees to examine the Council’s spending during Covid-19 crisis and provide that evidence.

However, regrettabl­y, Cheshire East Council refused to implement the recommenda­tion even as they published their latest press release, highlighti­ng an even higher predicted shortfall in funding of £70m.

There are recent examples, where severe criticism has been levelled nationally, at scrutiny and audit committees who did not adequately fulfil their roles, Should this administra­tion’s worst fears, as stated in their press releases, be realised and a Section 114 notice needs to be served, then on behalf of all those Cheshire East Councillor­s, who serve in a scrutiny or audit role, it is important to state on public record that Elected Members sought to fulfil their audit and scrutiny functions in a timely way, but were denied the opportunit­y to do so.

Today’s Audit and Governance Committee could have provided an opportunit­y to offer the transparen­cy requested but tucked away (Item 15) there is a short paper (“Covid-19 Financial Impact”) with a 3-page appendix in which most figures are ’to be confirmed’ or ‘are subject to change’.

This is not evidence and perhaps explains why, at the time of writing, the Cheshire East Labour-led petition to lobby Government for more money has attracted just 22 signatures.”

Coun Janet Clowes Chair, Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Cheshire East Council

‘SICKENING’ fraudster tried to con ‘vulnerable’ elderly man out of more than £8,000. “I cannot understand how somebody can stoop so low as to commit such an offence” (see page 5):

Hazel Turner: I thought impersonat­ing a police officer was a serious offence? What the hell wrong with our legal system.

Susan Knowles: What sort of message will this send?? The police have done their best and been let down by the courts. 60 hours community service? What if the victim had lost the £8,000??? Who will be next?

Dee Androos: No deterrent whatsoever ever. David Evans: What’s the point? A waste of time and money the justice system is a joke. It’s time for a clear out.

Carol Myrtle Hollett: Free to do it again.

UK could be ‘heading back into lockdown next month’ warns former chief scientific adviser. “The Government has a month to deal with the level of infectivit­y as it stands now. Reopening schools should be a priority, but we believe we are nowhere near the point where it can be done safely” (August 9)

Angela Stewart: Not a chance. I will do all that needs to be done.

I will wear a mask in public..

I will social distance..

I will wash my hands..

I will not go into lockdown..i will be staying in my job.

I’m not having my livleyhood snatched from me again.

Joseph Connor: at the moment we can only take it a day at a time and see what comes. If we are forced into another lockdown due to other’s stupidity then we have no choice but to go along. Bring on Lockdown 2, people need to learn how to social distance and then we wouldn’t be getting a second spike. Closing pubs would soon put a stop to it. Education before boozing, health before money is the way forward and people will have to get used to it! Charmaine-Ron Campbell: I will never be in lockdown again! Never mind Boris not his fault. The blame lies very squarely in China’s lap. Make them accountabl­e! Paul Bennet: You can have as many lockdowns as you like, it wont make any difference. Most people have to go to work, the airports are open, people are coming and going and spreading it, schools are due back and the folk of the uk are going to send their kids there. No one had a plan on day one and no one has a real plan now, its here to stay.

GO-AHEAD for 300 homes at former King’s School site in Macclesfie­ld. The plans attracted some criticism, including for the ‘eight year’ constructi­on period (August 8):

Chris Cox: This is great news. Do people really want the site to remain derelict? Some people have got nothing better to do than moan at any new developmen­t.

Nikki Halloran: Sorry but out of 300 houses, 90 of them will be affordable houses... and the council say “planning officers welcomed the ‘over and above’ level of affordable housing”

.... 90 out of 300 is an over and above amount is it? Charles Mackay: 150 would have been better. What exactly is affordable these days, with so many insecure jobs and zero hour contracts?

Nikki Halloran: Exactly. What they may consider “affordable” may just be in their eyes, not necessaril­y what actually is!

Carole Barlow: If they build near the canal again i worry its not eco friendly and 300 houses that is ridiculous. This is an old town with old pipes weres the sewage going to go water, rubbish, for 300 houses this has to end somewhere and should use what is empty and run down.

Anne-Lise: All The mess this is going to create in fence avenue traffic!

Heather Wright: It won’t be any worse than the school traffic now! You can’t get down Fence Avenue around near school time for all the big 4x4 vehicles.

Alex Hill: House builders are sitting on 1000s of sites with planning permission. They develop them slowly so they don’t flood the market causing prices to decrease.

Neil Watkin: Constuctio­n carnage. More cars more traffic delays. Not too mention stretching over stretched schools dentists docs and hospitals even further.

Alexander Freeman: Left Macc 30 years ago as all the nice green spaces we had have gone. It’s got worse since leaving. Kings school should not have left. A load of countrysid­e near Prestbury has suffered as a result. Macc used to be so lovely but what the hell has happened... Its not the town I remember.

Alex Miller: Eight years worth of jobs and homes for families, what’s not to like?

Deborah Slaney: As if that road isn’t busy enough. Peter Ng: I don’t understand why… only 30-40 houses a year and took 8 years to build... so folks live near by are seeing this huge constructi­on site for 8 freaking years?! That’s terrible!

Miles Grady: Makes sense to use a disused site rather than the countrysid­e!

 ??  ?? For this week’s Big Picture David Emmerson captured this view at Ridgegate Reservoir. Email your pictures to us at macclesfie­ or upload them to
For this week’s Big Picture David Emmerson captured this view at Ridgegate Reservoir. Email your pictures to us at macclesfie­ or upload them to

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