Macclesfield Express

BARLOW’S BACK It’s good to be back for a walk on weird side

He’s back. Today the Macc Express welcomes back motormouth columnist Vic Barlow. Vic whose long running column ran in the Express until a hiatus on 2015 has signed up to bring back his weekly take on life for readers of the Express. You can enjoy Vic’s mu


BY JOVE Mrs. I can’t tell you how tickled I am to be back with you all.

Not the best of times is it?

So, this is what we are going to do.

Every week we are going to take a look at some of the weird and wonderful things that go on in Macclesfie­ld.

We’ll dip into the archives from time-totime and revisit some of the characters who entertaine­d us in the past.

Do you remember the guy who jumped into the canal in order to avoid capture by a couple of Macclesfie­ld bobbies totally forgetting his pockets were full of lead he had ripped off the church roof?

How about the robber who hid in the toilets of Crompton Road Chippie until Arthur locked up then crept out and, ignoring the £50 float in the till, stole 74 steak and kidney puddings? (I often wondered how he fenced 74 steak puddings.)

I think my all-time favourite was when the Police Road Safety trailer hurtled down Church Street in the middle of the Cheshire Bikeathon smashing into Shackleton’s bike shop.

I met that bobbie involved about 10 years later when he reminded me of the story I had written informing me his mates kept it on the notice board at the station and taunted him endlessly.

I got the feeling he wasn’t too pleased with me.

Right… so make sure you get your Macc Express and a big mug of tea or coffee each week and we can sneak off somewhere quiet and have a giggle.

I shall be out and about town (masked up like The Lone Ranger) gathering material and taking a few photos so be sure to say hello (from two metres).

In the meantime, if you have a story that tickles you send it to me at vicbarlow@icloud. com.

Who said lockdown was dull?

 ??  ?? It’s time for a cuppa and a giggle
It’s time for a cuppa and a giggle
 ??  ??

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