Macclesfield Express

Statue should invite respect – not ridicule


ICAN’T tell you how pleased I was to learn that plans for a huge sculpture in Sparrow Park to celebrate Macclesfie­ld’s link with China have been rejected.

Quite apart from China’s human rights issues the creation was deemed by some as ‘too phallic’ and at 7m in height we wouldn’t want that standing behind the town hall.

People would make all kinds of remarks turning it into an object of derision (not I).

Let us learn from that abominatio­n masqueradi­ng as a work of art outside the bus station in Mill Street. I once stood by it, notebook in hand asking passers by what they thought it was.

In over an hour I received only one correct answer the remainder didn’t have a clue.

Whilst it may look like something from Henshaw’s yard it is in fact a giant replica of an old weaving loom part.

Workers from our council - which commission­ed the £7,000 sculpture – decided it was just the spot to hang a sign directing people to the bus station. Even they had no idea what it was.

To be honest, we don’t have a good track record of making public statements, do we?

Do you remember the opening ceremony for the town centre bus station was delayed because the incline was too steep for the buses sending sparks flying all over the place?

Look, if we really do need to have a public statue let’s have something that people recognise and respect (maybe the figure of an old silk weaver?).

A giant 7m high phallic symbol immediatel­y behind the town hall would undoubtedl­y make national news…but not for the right reasons.

 ??  ?? An artist’s impression of how the sculpture would have looked in Sparrow Park
An artist’s impression of how the sculpture would have looked in Sparrow Park

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