Macclesfield Express

A bumpy ride down the road to a hole lot of trouble


I bet when the people of Lancashire heard that Beatles song they didn’t know how lucky they were.

One thousand small holes sounds like a dream compared to driving around Cheshire East.

A reader of this hallowed newspaper asked me to take a look at Hulley Road immediatel­y outside the primary school.

So, I did and there’s damn great hole right next to a speed hump. You don’t need me to point out the danger in that, I’m sure. Stevie Wonder could work it out.

Another reader suggested I examine Prestbury Lane. This road is held together with potholes.

The gentleman who sent me the email was supposed to meet me there and failed to turn up. I’m worried he might be at the bottom of one.

What the hell are Cheshire East doing blathering on about Active Travel and new cycle lanes when the infrastruc­ture we already have is in such an appalling state.

I was driving along the Silk Road this morning when I spotted a gaping pothole capable of ripping a tyre wide open.

Thankfully I missed it but was almost caught by another one on my way home.

I’m not sure what would happen to a motorcycli­st should he or she hit one full-on.

I’m guessing the outcome would not be good.

Heaven help any cyclist hitting one.

I’m not a civil engineer and it’s not my job to tell Cheshire East how to repair roads but I do know the patch-it-and-pray method currently used is not working.

Highways are looking more like home-sewn quilts that fall apart after any severe weather.

Meanwhile CEC are promoting ‘Active Travel’ which is just a catchy title for walking and cycling.

Surely, they would be better managing and maintainin­g the roads we have better?

Look, I know manage-itand fix-it is not a glamorous title that will get our Council Leaders photograph­ed by the media but there is very little point designing new cycle paths, which have limited use, when the roads around us are crumbling beneath us.

Please, spare us the usual tactic of blaming national government for the lack of funds.

We appear to have more than enough to build phallic looking monument and finance a mayoral system no one outside the town hall wants.

“I read the news today, oh boy One thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire And though the holes were very small I had to count them all and now I know how many holes to fill the Albert Hall

 ??  ?? A rather large pothole on Hulley Road Macclesfie­ld
A rather large pothole on Hulley Road Macclesfie­ld

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