Macclesfield Express

Testing time if you want to travel abroad


MANY of our readers are baffled by the rules and regulation­s associated with foreign holidays. As always, I am here to help so sit back, relax and I will lay it all out before you.

First of all make sure you do your lateral flow test regularly.

The Government considers this test very important. Before flying you must also take another test, but not the lateral flow test which the Government considers unreliable.

The test you must now take is a PCR Test which will give you a positive or negative result - just like the lateral flow test but more costly.

You must not go to any country in the Red category, unless that country makes great burgers in which case it’s an Amber country.

Not Amber like France was when you couldn’t actually go there, but Amber like America where you can go. (France has since improved the quality of its burgers so now you can go there too.)

Green countries are the safest places to travel unless you are going to Australia which is in lockdown so probably best to go somewhere that isn’t Australia like Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia or some other country beginning with ‘S’ like Scotland - but definitely not Somalia which is as red as red could be.

You will have to take another test before you board the flight home.

If you test positive you will have to stay in that country, even though you want to go home.

If you fly to an Amber country like Mexico that has gone Red by the time you arrive you must fly home immediatel­y, but not on the flight you have paid for as that flight will be flying back later but not with you on it.

By the time you read this, everything may have changed so do check out the current guidelines which may have changed completely.

I hope that clarifies the situation.

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