Macclesfield Express

Flat repair rate punctured my cost fears


I was driving up to Teggs Nose today to exercise my dog, Cobra. Suddenly a warning light came on indicating I had a puncture.

I stopped and checked my tyres and sure enough my front nearside tyre was losing air.

I turned back and came into town to one of those quick-fix garages who asked me to leave my keys and come back in an hour.

It was a very anxious 60 minutes wondering what the verdict would be when I returned.

In my experience a puncture repair is never a simple job.

By the time you collect your car the garage has usually found problems you never dreamed you had.

The last time I had a puncture they said my tyres were alright but my rims were not and an additional bill was presented for rim treatment (whatever that is).

I love it when they pinch their fingers together to indicate how much tread you have left which generally means you don’t really need a new tyre yet but you will eventually so you may as well buy one now.

I took my car in for a puncture repair in Birmingham once and the guy told me I needed a new exhaust.

Quite why he was looking at the exhaust when he hadn’t started

Ion my puncture I know not.

In any event I still have the exhaust and it’s not causing me any trouble at all.

So it was with more than a little trepidatio­n that I went back to the garage to collect my car.

I was quite expecting to be told the tyres were okay but the car needed replacing.

“Is my car ready asked.”

“Yes, mate, it’s at the front.”

“How much is it?” I asked gingerly. “Twenty-five quid.” “Just a puncture repair then?” I asked nervously. “Yes that’s it.”

I was genuinely startled that a job that started off as a simple puncture was exactly that. No mention of valves, rims or exhausts - in fact no extras at all. I wanted to jump up and down punching the air, such was my delight.

The Olympics were on at the time and I considered this to be my gold medal.

 ??  ?? Vic was pleasently surprised by the cheap cost of his puncture repair
Vic was pleasently surprised by the cheap cost of his puncture repair

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