Macclesfield Express

Kerridge’s run over with win at Trafford


Kerridge 116/8 Vs Trafford Metrovics 99a.o

KERRIDGE recorded their first win after a losing run stretching back into June after a stop/start game in Sale against high flying Trafford Metrovics.

Kerridge were asked to bat first on a lush wicket which was unpredicta­ble from the start with some very inconsiste­nt bounce and carry.

This saw wickets fall frequently with leading edges and balls darting around, crashing into the stumps. With a dire forecast promising heavy rain for the day it was assumed that when the rain stopped play in the 16th over at 48/4 that was it.

Tea was taken early and with Trafford’s eyes set firmly on promotion they were keen to get back on the pitch in an effort to secure a result rather than an abandonmen­t.

With a break in the weather and a reduction in overs Kerridge had to turn to T20 mode to get a half decent score on the board on an ever deteriorat­ing wicket.

James Knight stepped up and played without fear, making an unbeaten 50 which is testament to his eye on a track that never allowed you to feel in on. Trafford were set a target of 117 to win.

After his heroics with the bat, Knight then caused havoc with the new ball, using the wicket to his favour and finding the perfect line and length to give the hosts no idea whether to play forward or sit back. He ripped through the top order to record figures of 4/14 from his 8 overs. He was ably assisted by Danny Brown’s spin (2/23) to see Kerridge way ahead with a mountain to climb for the last four wickets with Trafford now needing the rain to save the game.

Ste Regan (2/36) and Adam Banks (2/23) continued to hit the lines demonstrat­ed and with a great team spirit in the field eventually finished off the game with five overs to spare and literally minutes before the heavens opened. Trafford were 99 all out and Kerridge secured a priceless 17-run victory. With no other teams in the league fulfilling a fixture this made the win more pleasant. Matchball sponsor on the day- Mr and Mrs N Newbury.

Saturday see’s Wistaston visit Clarke Lane starting at 1pm

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