Macclesfield Express

By Vic Barlow Strong leadership will help bring your pack dog to heel


WHILE strolling through Covent Garden in London I noticed a homeless man feeding his two dogs from scraps left over by tourists.

Once they finished eating he lay down on the floor and the dogs settled in beside him and within a few minutes all three were sound asleep.

I returned a few hours later to find the man packing his belongings and the dogs waiting patiently by his side, tails wagging.

Once he secured his makeshift backpack all three set off across the crowded market square heading towards Tottenham Court Road.

With no lead and no word of command he strode off through the traffic with the dogs tagging never more than a yard behind him.

Can you imagine walking your dogs off lead across central London?

It was a wonderful example of pack mentality where every member knows his/her place.

In all probabilit­y they were heading for a hostel or another feeding station - in any event they were in ‘migration’ mode, ignoring all distractio­ns.

There was no need for words - the dogs knew to keep pace with their leader, it’s what wellorgani­sed packs do.

With strong leadership, purpose and strenuous walking, your dogs will behave exactly the same but you must be consistent.

Dogs are not stupid; they know the difference between a strong leader and a pushover.

Replace the fuss and excitement with discipline, exercise and meaningful occupation and you too will have a happy fulfilled companion.

If someone facing the difficulti­es of a homeless man can have such respectful, well-trained dogs so can you.

We will be running a two-day masterclas­s on September 11/12 where will take a closer look at how you relate to your dog and how it impacts on his behaviour.

Once we show you how it’s done you will be amazed at the transforma­tion.

You can enrol on line at or text me on 07590 560012.

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Vic walking his dogs

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