Macclesfield Express

What a pudding – my cooking wasn’t flush with success


You can email me at vicbarlow@

SALUTATION­S my amazing Maxonians. I have a rather delicate problem I am hoping you can help me resolve.

As you know I live alone with Cobra my one-eyed Labrador. We have been learning all kinds of domestic skills this past year.

Some of which have been enormously successful (gardening, ironing, housework) and others that remain a work in progress. Alas, cookery is in the latter category.

However, emboldened by a couple of recent successes, I decided to make a bread and butter pudding.

I’m not exactly sure where this went astray but it ended up rather sloppy. Cobra does all my initial tastings and confirmed this was by far my worst dish to date.

He didn’t want any and neither did I, so what does one do with a sloppy bread and butter pudding?

I wasn’t going to put it in the bin waiting for the recycling truck to collect it. I put some out for the birds but they turned their beaks up then I had a brilliant idea, flush it down the loo.

I executed my masterplan with great panache, saluting as the bread and butter pudding sailed away. An hour or so later a lady called to talk to me about her dog. We had a chat, Cobra loafed off into the kitchen.

Her dog didn’t appear to have any problems I couldn’t fix and I agreed for her to come to class.

After visiting the bathroom she grasped her little terrier to her bosom and bade me farewell.

Cobra strolled back into the lounge and we watched TV together.

All was well until I went to the loo and discovered the drainage system didn’t like my bread pudding either and had returned it from whence it came.

So, here’s the dilemma, did my visitor see my sloppy pudding in the loo and was now worrying she may have some awful condition?

If so how do I explain without appearing completely mad.

“Don’t worry that was only bread and butter pudding in the toilet,” is not going to impress.

Sending her a custard powder as an antidote won’t improve the situation.

Come on friends help me out here.

 ??  ?? The perfect place for my bread and butter pudding?
The perfect place for my bread and butter pudding?
 ??  ??

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