Macclesfield Express

Seven reasons to have more booze-free days


Over the past year and a half, many of us turned to alcohol to get us through the various lockdowns and other challenges the pandemic presented.

In fact, figures show that between April 2020 and March this year, 12.6 million extra litres of alcohol were sold – a 24.4% increase on the year before.

Now, with pubs and restaurant­s reopened, we’re enjoying the freedom to socialise again, which means – you guessed it – more drinking. But as well as being bad for us physically, alcohol can also be damaging to our mental health, increasing anxiety levels and disrupting our sleep patterns.

It’s easy to forget we’re supposed to limit ourselves to 14 units of alcohol per week – equivalent to six pints of beer or 10 small glasses of wine – so here’s why it’s a good idea to aim for at least two boozefree days in a row…

It’ll save you lots of cash. Drinking alcohol – be it wine, beer or spirits – is far more expensive than the boozefree alternativ­es. Mineral water, soft drinks and fruit juices are cheaper and usually healthier than alcoholic options.

It’ll encourage you to do more with your spare time. Instead of lolling on the sofa watching TV with a glass of red, you could learn a new skill, go for a walk in nature, or even plant and grow herbs (for your next well-deserved cocktail garnish, perhaps).

You can try out the latest non-alcoholic drink alternativ­es, which actually taste rather good. Wild Life Botanicals sparkling wine, with just 0.5% alcohol, is a great alternativ­e to champagne or prosecco, while Wilfred’s Aperitif can be used to make a sober spritz to keep Aperol fans happy.

You’ll feel and look better. Alcohol can interfere with your sleep patterns, making you feel tired and flat. It’s also a diuretic, so if you don’t drink enough water, it’ll dehydrate you, accelerati­ng the ageing process. So ditching booze is a win-win situation – not only will you wake up feeling fresh, but you’ll also have a dewy, youthful complexion.

You might shed a few pounds. Alcohol is packed with sugar – on average, a 125ml glass of wine contains 114 calories – and when you’ve had a few drinks, you’re less likely to make healthy food choices. What’s more, when you’re hungover the next day, the chances are you’ll be craving pizza, rather than grilled chicken and salad.

You’re more likely to stick to that post-pandemic health kick. Nothing makes you feel less like exercising than a hangover. With gyms, pools and other sports facilities open again, you can look forward to swinging a racket or kettlebell, rather than slinging back another cocktail.

You’ll be reducing your risk of fatal diseases. Drinking alcohol is linked to a whole array of health horrors, from liver disease and breast cancer to heart damage. According to alcohol education charity Drinkaware, the liver needs consecutiv­e alcohol-free days to repair itself, so going booze free for a few days in a row will give it a welcome break.

 ??  ?? You can enjoy a booze-free night out by having a mocktail or two
You can enjoy a booze-free night out by having a mocktail or two
 ??  ?? You’re more likely to hit the gym if you are not hungover
You’re more likely to hit the gym if you are not hungover

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