Macclesfield Express

Training is hard but lasts for a lifetime


IIMET a lady in the park with her dog just before lockdown.

It was a large dog of unknown pedigree and was pulling the owner along while she hung on for dear life.

“Are you asked.

“Err…yes, we are just going for a walk…well he is,” she said pointing at her dog.

Suddenly the dog jumped up at her and I just prevented her falling over.

“Are you going to a training class,” I enquired.

“No, we don’t agree with that - we just want okay?” him to be a dog.”

I have come to understand that phrase.

It usually means ‘ we let him do whatever he likes’.

I bumped into her again last week, but there was no dog.

When I asked she told me the dog had become ‘too much’ for them after knocking her down in the road and nipping at visitors.

She didn’t tell me what happened to her dog, but it had all been totally predictabl­e.

Training is hard work, but the benefits pay off for the rest of your dog’s life

My dog Cobra is welcomed wherever he goes - mainly for his calm, steady nature.

But it wasn’t always like that.

I remember having to chase him as he spotted a rabbit in the forest, and breathless­ly chastise him for his bad behaviour.

I’ve walked him miles to calm him down before even starting a training session, and fallen in the river after he barged into me on the bank.

It’s all part of the training process.

Eventually he understood the rules and gave himself a very easy life by following them - but it was far from easy.

Today he goes with me everywhere and is always welcomed, often before I am.

My early training has paid off handsomely - for both of us.

I am holding a dog behaviour clinic at Teggs Nose Country Park on September 19, Sunday morning from 10am where I will work with your dog one on one to resolve any behaviour issues.

The only cost will be a £10 donation to Animal Support Volunteers.

You can text me for a fixed appt on 07590 560012, or just turn up on the day and I will see you ASAP. .

 ??  ?? Working as a team
Working as a team

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