Macclesfield Express

Being pregnant is not the same for everyone, I found it really difficult

Singer Frankie Bridge tells LISA SALMON about mum guilt, antenatal depression and why she took antidepres­sants during her two pregnancie­s


ON THE surface, it seems Frankie Bridge has it all – she’s beautiful, rich, famous, has an equally famous footballer husband, and two lovely, healthy young children.

But don’t judge the Bridge book by its cover – because while the former Saturdays singer and now Loose Women presenter, who’s the wife of former Chelsea, Manchester City and England defender Wayne Bridge, has a life many would envy, she has also struggled with mental health problems for most of her life.

After suffering in silence with anxiety and depression for many years, the mother-of-two is now keen to share her experience­s, and has written the book Grow, a brutally honest account of how hard it can be to grow babies and raise them while struggling with mental health issues.

The 32-year-old mother of Carter, aged six, and Parker, seven, says she hopes her book will help open up maternal mental health conversati­ons, and reassure other mums that it’s OK not to feel OK all the time.

Here, Frankie discusses her motherhood journey and how she became a happy parent for her happy babies.

Did you have mental health problems from an early age? Definitely. It was never recognised back then – I was just a deep thinker and a bit of a worrier. Had it been understood and nipped in the bud at an early age, maybe I would have had a better way of dealing with it all as I got older.

When you were pregnant, were you worried you might get postnatal depression?

Having children was the reason I decided to get on top of my mental health, because I knew I needed to be in a good place for my future children. That was my inspiratio­n to understand myself more and take the time to get better.

When I was thinking about being a parent I was definitely worried about postnatal depression, but I stayed on my antidepres­sants while I was pregnant, and still had therapy, and in the end I got more antenatal depression than postnatal depression.

I think people forget that while you’re pregnant it can be really difficult, because we’re sold this dream that it’s the happiest time of your life and you’ll just enjoy it, when actually it’s not the same for everyone.

I found being pregnant really difficult, and that’s why I thought it was important to talk about it, because it’s not something you really hear about.

What did you find difficult about pregnancy?

The change in my body and losing control of what my body was doing was really difficult.

Being in a girl band and having always looked a certain way and that suddenly changing, and not being able to control it was really hard. I’d always wanted to be pregnant and I wanted to enjoy it, but actually I felt really sick and I didn’t feel like me.

You had hyperemesi­s gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting) during your second pregnancy – how bad was that?

It’s just horrendous – people get PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from it, and I’ve heard of women who’ve decided never to have another baby because of it.

I was lucky because the medication I was on worked. I didn’t stop being sick, but I was able to get out of bed and be a parent to my eldest son. I managed to go back to work, but I’d get back and be sick, and it got worse again nearer the end of the pregnancy. It never really went but it became copeable.

People are talking about it a lot more now after Kate Middleton, bless her, did us all a favour, almost, by having it.

Was it a tough decision to keep taking antidepres­sants while you were pregnant?

Luckily, I was on one I could stay on. I was already seeing a psychiatri­st, and he said if you come off them you may not be in a position to be there for your newborn when it comes, and for me it wasn’t a difficult decision.

Everyone’s situation’s different, and not every medication is safe, so it’s definitely something you have to talk with your GP about.

We all have to do what we need to, to be the parent we need to be, and not feel ashamed.

You had elective caesareans for both births – why?

I was open to both birth options – in my head I thought both were going to suck, so choose one!

I told my obstetrici­an to give me pros and cons of both, and I said ‘If I was your daughter, what would you do?’, and he said ‘C-section.’ So I thought OK, let’s book it.

With work and with Wayne playing football, I wanted to make sure we were there together and that was really the only way I could do it.

I never had any real burning desire to have a natural birth, but I wasn’t against it either.

It felt like I had less control over it [a natural birth], that no one could really tell me what was going to happen, and with my anxiety that was a really horrible situation to be in. And Wayne was very much like, ‘If I was having a baby that’s what I’d do.’

 ??  ?? Frankie, Wayne and sons Carter and Parker
Frankie, Wayne and sons Carter and Parker
 ??  ?? The Duchess of Cambridge suffered with hyperemesi­s gravidarum during pregnancy too
The Duchess of Cambridge suffered with hyperemesi­s gravidarum during pregnancy too

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