Macclesfield Express

Spring songs


I HAD the absolute pleasure of meeting some of the children from St Margaret’s Primary School in Whalley Range and sharing some wildlife knowledge with them this month.

In fact, quite a few of them were telling me things about the slugs, snails, worms and wood lice we were finding in the wooded around next to the playing fields.

It makes me happy to see the youngsters loving being outside in nature – it isn’t true that kids these days spend all their time indoors staring at screens.

It is nice to pass on a bit of knowledge that they will be able to use to impress their parents and so I turned to the great tit for help.

“Did you know that there is a bird that loves school, because it calls out ‘teacher, teacher, teacher’?”

They were delighted and were keen to learn more about this beautiful bird that you will see in gardens, parks and woodland.

However, you are more likely to hear that “teacher” call, especially at this time of year.

There is much joy in the bird world in spring, most of them are calling out for a little bit of loving and some want to defend their territorie­s.

Others are just keen to tell us how happy they are, well that’s my opinion.

The great tit actually has some 70 songs, which naturalist­s believe are a way of convincing predators that there are lots of birds making a racket.

Predators would rather attack a bird than a gang of noisy beggars being raucous in the woods.

Most predators are happy to do their killing and dining in private, without all that racket.

As its name suggests, the great tit is largest of the UK tits, nesting in holes in trees, but it will use nest boxes and I once found a nest, with chicks, at the bottom of a large traffic cone.

They hunt insects and spiders on branches of trees and will visit bird tables, fighting off smaller birds to get to the food.

It is definitely one of our most colourful birds both in looks and song.

Great tits are easy to identify, with a black head, white cheeks, green back, yellow belly and a black stripe down its front, a bit like a football shirt.

The stripe on the breast of the male is wider than on the female and the ladies are more impressed as the width gets thicker.

Honestly, nature is all about showing off and finding love.

I am pleased to report that I have get great tits on my bird table and on the tree in my garden every day, feeding on the seed, suet and fruit I put out.

They are a wonderful addition to the blue tits, coal tits, long-tailed tits, sparrows and wren that make up the smaller visitors to the Wright garden.

And, hopefully, there will be a new generation of young naturalist­s walking round Whalley Range with their mums, dads and friends, identifyin­g the great tit.

 ?? Alan Wright ?? ●●Great tit nesting in a cone
Alan Wright ●●Great tit nesting in a cone
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