Macclesfield Express

Layout for major 306-home scheme gets the go-ahead


CHESHIRE East has approved the design and layout for a 306-home scheme despite one councillor saying the developmen­t will join Lyme Green to the town of Macclesfie­ld.

The principle of residentia­l developmen­t on the site at Gaw End Lane, Lyme Green, has already been establishe­d through the granting of outline planning permission and its allocation in the Cheshire East local plan.

Last Wednesday members of the strategic planning board were considerin­g the reserved matters applicatio­n from Vistry Homes for 306 dwellings dealing with the appearance, landscapin­g, layout and scale.

Ward councillor Andrew Gregory (Sutton, Ind) speaking as a visiting councillor, said the parish council had raised several issues which hadn’t been given sufficient weight by Cheshire East.

“There’s a concern to the inevitable significan­t increase in traffic on London Road,” said Cllr Gregory.

“It is a concern that the parish council’s requests that the speed limit be reduced to 30mph have been ignored.”

He also said there were no nearby amenities and no schools within walking distance which had the capacity to take extra pupils.

The site falls within a Cheshire East local plan site allocated for around 300 homes.

A separate applicatio­n, from a different developer, had also been submitted for an adjacent parcel of land for 42 homes. This applicatio­n was considered completely separately but reference to it was made, at times, during this discussion because of the proximity.

Cllr Brian Puddicombe (Macclesfie­ld South, Lab) said the two schemes combined, if both were approved, would result in 348 homes, and 348 ‘is substantia­lly more than 300’.

Head of planning David Malcolm said the housing figures are not a maximum.

“I think the descriptio­n here is around 300. It depends on your take on it,” he said.

He added where there were smaller units in a scheme, you get more units.

Cllr Puddicombe said he thought the scheme was good when it came to affordable housing, but he couldn’t support it largely because of the traffic implicatio­ns for London Road.

He added: “I think there are too many properties here and there are too many that don’t perform to nationally prescribed space standards.

“This applicatio­n on that side of London Road will join Lyme Green to the town of Macclesfie­ld; there will be no countrysid­e on that side of London Road.”

He’d also asked about the presence of peat.

Planning officer Rob Law said: “We can’t ever say there isn’t peat on the site because we wouldn’t know until a spade was put in the ground.

“What we can say is the reports that we have at the moment indicate that peat is unlikely to be present on this site.”

Knutsford councillor Stewart Gardiner (Con) said the scheme has lots of positives, although he was disappoint­ed at the level of smaller units.

“I accept some of the issues we’ve raised today were previously addressed by the outline [applicatio­n] and we can’t revisit those,” said Cllr Gardiner.

“I commend the work undertaken by Mr Law in securing a high quality design. I think that the apartment block and the way it reflects buildings you would find historical­ly on the edge of a canal is impressive.”

He added: “The way in which the affordable housing has been mixed within the scheme is an exemplar and I would hope all developers would follow this.”

Haslington councillor Steve Edgar (Con) said: “Of all the applicatio­ns I’ve seen, this is one of the better ones. It has its faults, it has its problems, it’s not perfect, they never are, but overall I think it’s a good applicatio­n.”

He moved the recommenda­tion that it be approved.

Seven councillor­s voted for approval, two voted against and two abstained.

 ?? ?? ●●Cllr Andrew Gregory
●●Cllr Andrew Gregory
 ?? ?? ●●Cllr Brian Puddicombe
●●Cllr Brian Puddicombe
 ?? ?? ●●Cllr Stewart Gardiner
●●Cllr Stewart Gardiner

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