Macclesfield Express

Homes plan hit by peat protesters

- ALEX SCAPENS alex.scapens@menmedia @alexscapen­sMEN

ANOTHER major developmen­t in Macclesfie­ld is facing protests - with the removal of carbon holding peat once again the focus of objections.

Vistry Homes was given permission to build up to 330 dwellings at Gaw End Lane, Lyme Green, earlier this year.

This permission - as is often the case - was given with certain conditions attached, including that any work to remediate the ground must be agreed before developmen­t can begin.

Vistry has now submitted its remediatio­n strategy, asking that it be approved and the condition now be considered fulfilled.

But this has attracted 17 objections from residents, all saying peat on site must not be disturbed because of its important role fighting climate change.

One said: “These plans also will destroy another huge swath of environmen­tally helpful peat land. Does no one care anymore?

“If these are built I’ll sell us and leave this ever expending brick and tarmac hell hole to the people who want it like this.”

Another said: “With global warming, how can anyone justify excavating, or in anyway damaging the carbon collecting peat onsite.”

Some objectors say that the fact peat is on site has been known for some time and should have been dealt with by the original main applicatio­n.

The developmen­t itself met with objections from residents as well as Sutton

Parish Council. Issues raised were overdevelo­pment, too much pressure on facilities such as schools and traffic.

The submitted strategy, by consultant­s Wardell Armstrong says: “Where peat deposits have either been recorded on the site or are encountere­d in the earthworks, the materials should be excavated and require off-site disposal at a suitably licensed facility.

“Where encountere­d during the ground investigat­ion works these locations have been marked.”

A letter sent with the latest Vistry applicatio­n says the remedial strategy has been produced taking account of the council’s developer guide and the applicatio­n should be ‘validated without delay.’

The company has been contacted for further comment.

 ?? ?? ●●An aerial impression of the proposed houses at Gaw End Lane,
●●An aerial impression of the proposed houses at Gaw End Lane,

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