Macclesfield Express




Choose between cryptic and quick clues to tackle the Giant crossword – both lead to the same answers.


“It’s empty” is very close (7,2,2)

13 Neat figure in a super

new coat (6)

14 Cutting a figure, due to (6) 16 A light lead! (4)

17 The keeper, as I count,

herding a number inside (9) 18 Fat to go topless,

you say (5)

19 Stage a comeback in

“Cats”, perhaps (4)

20 Attack, being insulting (9) 22 The animal has to

attempt to hide in (5)

23 Gets ready to, when

one attacks (4,5)

27 A Scotsman bare and shivering: not a pretty sight! (7)

30 Having brought up

children, are in the red (6) 31 Went for the socialist (4)

32 A dog wearing gloves? (5) 35 A leader with

intelligen­ce (4)

36 Interrupts only by

rattling tins (5,2)

38 Really likes making

snide remarks (4)

39 Cheat at an exam,

or competitio­n (7)

42 Slips on, for the pictures (6) 45 Needs but wasn’t

prepared to get (5)

46 Draw a tart, sliced, and a

cat curled up beside it (7) 47 Again, almost all true (4)

48 Do without the other

entrance (4)

50 A cup going to waste (7)

52 Again within the time (5)

54 Sign of distress on

getting a reprimand (6)

56 Wander and give the wrong

name to the German (7)

57 Contain, you claim (4)

59 Erases “bus tour”,

mistakenly (4,3)

61 When back by myself,

it’s just as before (4)

64 A very little box (5)

66 Start snogging,

dancing to music (4)

67 Rainy and dark? (6)

69 With the violinists ready

to play, withdraws (4,3)

72 Just a ticking off – not

sending to Coventry (7-2) 73 Flowers for a girl (5)

74 Heavens! Tears of joy? (4,5) 79 Omit spring (4)

81 Not pretty, I intend

to cover it (5)

82 In the train, travelling,

is an old actor (9)

83 The appointmen­t after (4) 85 Squawk like a bird (6)

86 Believes one goes in

for meditation (6)

87 Unusual phrase meaning “Don’t obstruct me” (3-2-3-3)


Scoff, but it is a deterrent to burglars (4)

2 A minor fee (6)

3 Wants one to admit

one’s critical of (6)

4 “Wish you were here,” I’ve

added to the letter (7)

5 One’s underage but

that’s unimportan­t (5)

6 To begin with, gave to,

being generous (4-6)

7 Annoyed to find

dissected (3-2)

8 What a scarab will do if

you say “Shoo?” (6,3)

9 Stamp that will make

an impact on (7)

10 Admits it’s three

points to nil (4)

11 Having seen I unleashed

the dog in, is not safe (8) 15 Laugh at the bird, a

tailless tern (6)

21 The arsonist’s old

girlfriend? (5)

24 Fish also known as

the puffer? (7)

25 Why work out? (6)

26 Running away from a melee many are trapped in (6) 28 Dead worried, I went

in and helped (5)

29 It’s a bone, kid (3)

33 He’s out west, painting (7) 34 Drink wine, then the

last of the cider (6)

37 No, the street going

through it is not nice (5) 40 For a short time,

there’s a vibration (5)

41 Subsequent­ly, with a number near to collapsing (5,2)

43 A vague “Nothing to

lose” covers it (5)

44 Caught again in a

sandstorm (6)

46 In the air, way up (5)

49 Zipped bag you

rummage through (7)

51 Fail to prepare the

ground for (6)

53 Talk at the bar,

staggering a little (6)

55 Surveys for patients (5)

58 Surprised reaction when you have a second helping? (6,4)

60 Also the early afternoon

is mentioned (3)

62 Think there’s an O

in “rodent” (5) 63 Catches the word

“agreements” (9)

65 Are they mad to solve

the code? (8)

68 It’s stuffy and there’s a

seat with a man on it (6)

70 Fish is a photograph­er (7) 71 The pupil in the back

room is a fool (7)

75 Mean to go back in:

need to tidy up (6)

76 Injured p-pride, possibly (6) 77 Small bag found in

the garden (5)

78 Started by putting half

the eggs into a bun (5)

80 Provide, perhaps,

wine for (French) (4)

84 Bear up when there’s

a suspension (4)

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