Maidenhead Advertiser

Hospitalit­y is not just catering for foodies

- J HAYWARD-WITTWER Former landlady of The Crown, Burchetts Green

I read your article on the award-winning chef in Burchetts Green moving to pastures new with interest.

I am saddened by the fact that Mr Bonwick has the need to blame others for his business decision to turn the pub which previously welcomed both locals and strangers, adults, children, and pets and was fully open lunchtime and evenings six days a week for both drinks and food into a restaurant offering exclusive dining for the very few.

Business would have dropped off significan­tly and would have been on its knees from day one on his business model, until he had built up his foodie clientele.

I find it deeply offensive that he peddles derogatory remarks about The Crown and by associatio­n its previous incumbent when he changed the business beyond all recognitio­n of the generally accepted descriptio­n of a public house, even denying drinks to anyone not having a meal.

I wish him well in yet another new venture.

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